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    Appendicitis. Part 5. Ultrasound shows an enlarged appendix or an abscess. Ultrasound is painless, but t...Inflammation cause this count to be abnormally high. It is not specific for append...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Part 4. Scrupulous doctor asks your permission to perform rectal exam. Many people refuses...Diagnostic problem with appendicitis is that some other conditions may mimic it. A...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Part 3. This is the peritonitis (diffuse). This what the surgeons are afraid of. Look at y...With modern technology it becomes much easier to distinguish appendicitis and othe...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Part 2. Appendicitis is the inflammation of appendix supposedly due to narrowing of this l...Classically appendicitis starts as a pain that began in the periumbilical region (...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Part 1. After a day of suffering you decided to visit the hospital. Long taxi trip. Pain i...Appendicitis. Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD It's 10 pm. Severe pain in your bell...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Treatment. part 7. If a person has not seen doctor for many days while appendicitis ruptured (yeah, s...Appendectomy is performed urgently usually. Thomeo is Latin for dissect or cut. La...Appendix
    Appendicitis. Part 6. Small fiberoptic tube with a camera is inserted into the abdomen through a small p...At this point diagnosis is usually clear. In cases if it is not, there is Laparosc...Appendix
    Atherosclerosis. What is atherosclerosis?Atherosclerosis is a major health problem in developed nations. There is compellin...Atherosclerosis is the disease, which affects blood vessels and brings numerous co...Arteries
    What is Aortic Aneurysm? The danger of aneurysms is the possibility of burst. What is Aortic Aneurysm? An aneurysm is an out-poaching of an artery wall. The a...Arteries
    Bladder cancer. SignsSigns suspicious for bladder cancerWhat are the signs? How would you find bladder cancer? Not an easy answer. Bladd...Bladder
    Bladder cancer. IntroUrine in your bladder is a fluid with concentrated toxic waste. Because urine is s...Bladder cancer. Your urine is stored in your bladder. It makes sense. If there is...Bladder
    Death, Aging, Rejuvenation I would like to raise a question: Is Rejuvenation possible and how to approach it?...Death, Aging, Rejuvenation Aging, Death, Rejuvenation 2004 Body
    What is Osteoporosis?Porous bones leads to easy fragility.Osteoporosis is a condition when your bones become fragile. That leads to easy fra...Bones
    How to treat Osteoporosis?There are several options for the treatment of Osteoporosis.There are several options for the treatment of Osteoporosis. 1. Parathyroid hor...Bones
    Pain in the Butt. How to deal with Hemorrhoids?This article describes internal and external hemorrhoids.This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something...Bowel
    What are brain tumors?Symptoms of brain tumors are caused by compression of a specific area, by increase...What are brain tumors? Almost twenty thousands people are diagnosed with brain tu...Brain
    Brain tumorsSymptoms of brain tumors are caused by pressure on a specific area, by increased p... Almost twenty thousands people are diagnosed with brain tumor every year. Tumors...Brain
    What is Stroke? A stroke happens when an artery, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain,...Stroke is a disease, which affects the brain blood vessels and interrupts the brai...Brain
    What is Brain Aneurysm? Cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage deprives brain cells from blood and oxygen, bu...A brain aneurysm is an out-poaching of a brain artery wall. The wall weakened by d...Brain
    How to check for Colon Cancer?Doctors recommend to undergo colon cancer screening for everybody 50 years or olde...Colon means large bowel in Greek. The Colon Cancer is one of the most common types...Colon
    What to expect on Colonoscopy? Colonoscopy helps to see inside your colon and rectum. Your doctor can find the pr... Colonoscopy is the procedure for viewing and treating lower digestive tract prob...Colon
    Diagnose CancerCommon cancers include skin, lungs, breasts, prostate, colon and uterine tumors. During the cancer diagnosis doctors look for the site of origin of the tumor and...Diagnosis
    What is type 2 diabetes? The main danger of diabetes is increased patient morbidity and mortality from comp...Type 2 diabetes mellitus makes more than 80% of diabetes cases. The primary sign ...Endocrine
    Dumb lampHere is a funny story an ENT resident told me sometime ago.Ha... Here is a funny story an ENT resident told me sometime ago. It happened in...ENT
    What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?There are two types of macular degeneration: early non-exudative macular degenerat...What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration? The destruction of macula has the name...Eyes
    When you suffer fatigueFatigue is common. Hence a potentially serious problem may be missed. Chronic Fati...Do you suffer fatigue? Fatigue is a normal response to physical and emotional str...General
    Do you need carbon monoxide detector? Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas. it binds to hemoglobin (the protein that deliv... Do you need carbon monoxide detector? You probably saw those Carbon Monoxide det...General
    Suffering FatigueChronic Fatigue syndrome is the condition lasting for more than six months. It is ...Do you suffer fatigue? Fatigue is a normal response to physical and emotional str...General
    Cancer treatment Mostly, treating tumors requires more than one type of cancer therapy. Cancer treatment Depending on the type and stage of the tumor your may include su...General
    Palliative carePalliative care means a relief of suffering for people with serious medical diseas... Palliative care Palliate means to relieve. Palliative care means a relief of suf...General
    Cancer causesThere is a theory of multiple hits. This suggests that a cell needs at least 6-7 d... What causes cancer? What are initiators and promoters? * Viruses (for example E...General
    ... RDoctor, a developer of new clinical decision support and intelligent connectivit...Philadelphia, PA June 14, 2006 (RDoctor) -- How Common Are Medical Mistakes? The ...General
    Watch your DietYour weight is the outcome of your physical activity and your diet mostly. Watch your Diet Healthy diet is one of the most important things for your health....General
    Cancer diagnosisThere are many signs and symptoms of cancer. Doctors may find tumors directly, by ... During the cancer diagnosis, doctors look for the site of origin of the tumor an...General
    How to deal with hypertension?The signs of high blood pressure are not so obvious. This is what makes hypertensi... What is hypertension? This Latin word means increased pressure. Meaning high b...Heart
    Heart Failure To treat heart failure is difficult. As with majority diseases it is easier to pre...How to avoid heart failure? Aleksandr Kavokin MD, PhD Just the name "heart fai...Heart
    What to do when you witness Cardiac Arrest? Whatever the reason, You need to act fast. The odds of cardiac arrest for patients...What to do when you witness Cardiac Arrest? Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD. I...Heart
    How to avoid heart failure? IntroWhat is the heart failure? The term means exactly this: your heart does not work w...How to avoid heart failure? Intro Aleksandr Kavokin MD, PhD Just the name "hear...Heart
    What happens when you have the heart failure?That leads to all kinds of troubles. What happens when you have the heart failure? What happens when you hav...Heart
    How is heart disease classified? New York Heart Association uses Functional Classification. The scale helps to find...How is heart disease classified? Any heart disease eventually may lead to...Heart
    Something itching?Rashes mean change in the color or look of your skin. Rashes are either localized...Something itching? Keywords: Rash, skin redness or inflammation, itch, skin les...
    What are the symptoms of AIDS?AIDS-related infections are often very severe and caused by unusual bacteria, ...AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection. The criteria of AIDS include HIV ...Immunity
    What are symptoms of early HIV infection?The loss and deactivation of the immune system eventually leads to complications...HIV infected people usually do not have any symptoms at first. Couple month lat...Immunity
    How to treat Hay Fever? Signs of hay fever include runny nose (this is why another name for disease - seas... How to treat Hay Fever? Almost ten pro cent of Americans suffer hay fever. The c...Immunity
    Lyme Disease. What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease mostly happens in rural and suburban regions. Lyme disease is found i...Lyme disease is an infectious disease. A spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, a kind o...Infection
    How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?Doctors often use DMARDS together with corticosteroids and NSAIDs. Gold compounds ...Traditionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) go as the first-line...Joints
    What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?Rheumatoid arthritis affects around 1 in 100 people. In developed countries rheuma... Rheumatoid arthritis is the destructive disease that targets primarily joints...Joints
    Kidney Cancer.CT scan (computerized tomography) Ultrasound Intravenous pyelography (X ray...What would doctor order if he suspects kidney cancer? First, any doctor collect...Kidney
    Kidney Cancer Treatment. In some cases it possible to remove only part of kidney. However for kidney cancer...How do they treat renal cancer? Surgery is the main choice. Surgeon will do nep...Kidney
    Kidney Cancer. Part 4. When do you suspect renal cancer? When do you suspect renal cancer? You start to worry if: # Here is blood in...Kidney
    Kidney cancer. Part 2.It is good when kidneys work well. Kidneys may develop cancer too (as any other... Kidney cancer. Part 2. It is 1:30 AM. Pager goes off. A nurse calls (they just h...Kidney
    Kidney Cancer. Part 1.There are only 2 kidneys. But, gosh how important they are Kidney Cancer. Part 1. Renal cancer Your kidneys make urine. There are only 2 k...Kidney
    Kidney Cancer. Part 3.What is kidney (renal) cancer? Kidney Cancer. Part 3. What is kidney (renal) cancer? Risk factors for renal c...Kidney
    What is Cirrhosis of the Liver? Main causes of cirrhosis are chronic alcoholism and hepatitis C.Liver neutralizes and removes poisons from your blood. It also makes immunological...Liver
    What is Cirrhosis?Cirrhosis (extensive liver scarring) is the long-term (10–40 years) result of live...Chronic inflammation of the liver in individuals with chronic hepatitis leads to t...Liver
    What is Diagnostics for Cirrhosis? Liver biopsy means that a small piece of tissue from your liver is taken for study...Your doctor finds cirrhosis after listening your complaints and performing the phy...Liver
    What is Liver Biopsy? Liver biopsy is evaluated for fibrosis, inflammation and necrosis (amount of dead ...When your liver does not work properly, your doctor may suggest liver biopsy. Live...Liver
    What are Treatments for Cirrhosis? Chronic viral hepatitis B and C are treated with interferon and other antiviral me...Treatment of cirrhosis is often more experimental than an established clinical sta...Liver
    What is Viral Hepatitis? Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Viruses cause viral hepatitis. Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Viruses cause viral hepatitis. Hepa...Liver
    How to get Hepatitis A vaccination?The vaccine is very effective. It is recommended of people older than 2 years... Normal liver removes poisons from your blood. Also your liver stores energy...Liver
    How to get Hepatitis B Vaccination?Hepatitis B vaccination was found to be safe when given for children and adults.... Vaccination? The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended by the doctors and scient...Liver
    About Autoimmune Hepatitis Normal immune system protects body from viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Sometim... Autoimmune Hepatitis When immune system attacks liver cells, autoimmune hepatit...Liver
    What is diagnosis for cirrhosis? Liver usually feels enlarged and harder than usualYour doctor finds cirrhosis after listening your complaints and performing the p...Liver
    What is Lung Cancer?Malignant tumors that originated in the lungs tissue are named lung cancer. What is Lung Cancer? Cancer is a disease where abnormal cells divide and produc...Lungs
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCOPD is the fifth leading cause of death and significant cause of disability world...Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes problems with maximum expirato...Lungs
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCOPD is the fifth leading cause of death and significant cause of disability world...Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes problems with maximum expirato...Lungs
    Mesothelioma. How do doctors diagnose Asbestos Cancer? Part1 So, how do doctors diagnose the mesothelioma?Mesothelioma. How do doctors diagnose Asbestos Cancer? As we discussed in our pr...Lungs
    Mesothelioma. How do doctors diagnose Asbestos Cancer? Part 2 So, how do doctors diagnose the mesothelioma?Continued from part 1. If the effusion is suspicious for some infection or cancer...Lungs
    Somebody wheezing? Watch him.Asthma does not show the same symptoms in every patient. Some have all of the symp...Your friend is coughing and wheezing. He is short of breath and complains on tight...Lungs
    Medical question #2. Ovarian cystsOvarian follicle (follicle means small bubble in Latin) usually mature, rupture an...Medical question #2. Ovarian cysts Ms. L wrote me: Hello Dr. Kavokin, I was rea...Ovary
    What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Lupus? Lupus has the name “great imitator.” Lupus Symptoms Lupus has the name “great imitator.” Some people have just a few...Skin
    How Is Lupus Diagnosed? Lupus mimics many other diseases. A careful history with analysis assists in the ... Symptoms change over the time. Flare is an event when a patient has symptoms. Be...Skin
    What is the treatment for Lupus?Since nobody knows the precise cause of the Lupus, nobody knows the ultimate cure.... The doctors that you may need to visit include: Your family doctor Rheumatolog...Skin
    What is Scleroderma?Scleroderma is a chronic skin disease with board-like hardening and immobility ano...Scleroderma means hard skin. Skin becomes thick and hard because of excessive form...Skin
    What is Lupus?Lupus affects many sites of the body. Lupus is an autoimmune disease with chronic inflammation. Your own immune system...Skin
    Are Skin Cancers on the Rise?There is a strong connection between skin cancers and exposure to sun or use of ta...Are Skin Cancers on the Rise? It looks so. According to American Academy of De...Skin
    Melanoma Part 2.You can not know the grade unless you excise and measure the melanoma penetration ...Surgeon or dermatologist cuts off the melanoma. Then, Pathologist (doctor speciali...Skin
    How to spot malignant mole? Melanoma. Part 1.Some skin problems look like melanoma, but are actually harmless. Anyway, do not g...This morning you took a bath. The warm water feels so nice during the cold winter ...Skin
    How to find Information about Lupus?Do You Have LupusDo You Have Lupus or a Related Condition? Lupus Foundation of America www.lupu...Skin
    What questions to ask about your rash?There are too many different rashes to combine in one article. Each time a doctor ...You come to your doctor with some problem. Doctor is busy as usual. You were waiti...Skin
    Treating Stomach CancerIf the tumor can not be removed entirely, but the patient still needs to get some ...A person asked in the forum about his friend who has stomach cancer. He was intere...Stomach
    Do you feel Pain?Pain has physical and emotional components. Not always a pain has the tissue damag... What is pain? Many references and dictionaries def...Symptoms
    Cancer preventionThere are usually two events are prominent in the development of cancer cells - In...Cancer prevention Aleksandr Kavokin MD, PhD How to prevent cancer? Cancer ...Treatment
    What are Metastases?Surgeon can cut out primary tumor relatively easy (unless it invades into an impor...Metastases are what makes cancer so difficult to treat. When a tumor spreads into ...Tumor
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