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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title: About Autoimmune Hepatitis
    Article: Autoimmune Hepatitis

    When immune system attacks liver cells, autoimmune
    hepatitis develops.
    The hepatitis is the inflammation of lever. The
    reasons are not clear, but genetic factors play a role
    in autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune hepatitis hurts
    women mostly.
    Normal immune system protects body from viruses,
    bacteria, and parasites. Sometimes it gets wacked and
    attacks own body. This leads to autoimmune diseases.
    it is possible that certain bacteria, viruses or
    toxins trigger the wrong reaction.

    The disease is chronic and gets worse over time. It
    lasts for years. The worse outcome is the cirrhosis
    (scarring) of the liver and death eventually.

    Autoimmune hepatitis of type I occurs in women mostly.
    The women often have other autoimmune diseases:
    diabetes, glomerulonephritis, Graves' disease,
    Sjogren's syndrome, etc. Type II affects young girls

    Symptoms of Hepatitis include:

    *Yellowing of the skin and eyes (Jaundice)
    *Abdominal pain
    *Loss of appetite
    *Low grade fever
    *Feeling as if you have flu.
    *You might feel tired
    *Stomach sickness
    *Loss of appetite
    *Dark yellow urine
    *Lightly colored stools*Discomfort or tenderness on the right side
    *Muscle and joint aches
    *Spider blood vessels on the skin
    *Mental Confusion

    The liver is enlarged and tender

    Your doctors makes a diagnosis based on your
    history, exam, blood tests, and liver biopsy.

    Liver enzymes are elevated, that means damage.
    Antinuclear antibodies (ANA), antibodies against smooth muscle cells (SMA), or liver
    and kidney microsomes (anti-LKM) characterize autoimmune hepatitis.

    Blood tests also help to exclude viral hepatitis and other diseases.
    Liver biopsy takes a small piece of liver to examine with microscope.

    Treatment includes medicines to suppress immune system.

    Corticosteroids go form high doses to lower ones.
    Azathioprine suppresses the immune system too.

    Both prednisone and azathioprine bring serious side effects due to decreased immunity..

    Other treatments include mycophenylate mofetil,
    cyclosporine and tacrolimus. Those drugs are immune supressants too. Transplantation of liver is an ultimate option

    American Liver Foundation

    On-Line self check.
    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Normal immune system protects body from viruses,
    bacteria, and parasites. Sometimes it gets wacked and
    attacks own body. This leads to autoimmune diseases.
    Reference 2:

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