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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title:What is Lupus?

    Lupus is an autoimmune disease with chronic
    inflammation. Your own immune system attacks your body
    by mistake. Collection of your immune cells is the
    military unit of fighters against germs, viruses,
    parasites and other bugs. However, autoimmune disease
    drives the immune system out of control. Your
    defenders now attack your own body, not bugs.
    The immune system is very complex. One of the
    mechanisms that the immune system uses to fight
    infections is the production of antibodies. Patients
    with lupus produce antibodies against own body rather
    than infectious agents. That causes problems with
    skin, heart, joints, lungs, kidneys, and nervous
    system. Lupus affects many sites of the body. Everyone
    is different. Somebody may have fever and swollen
    joints. Another patient may have kidney problem. A
    third one has just a rash. Lupus may affect two or
    three body parts.
    The skin involvement is named discoid lupus. Red rash
    appear on face, scalp, or elsewhere.
    Disease of internal organs has name of Systemic Lupus
    Erythematosus (SLE). It is the most common form.
    Drug-induced lupus is triggered by a medicine
    Lupus is more common in women. It can start at any
    age. Commonly, suffering patients are 20 to 50 years
    Sun exposure causes subacute cutaneous lupus
    Neonatal lupus is a rare lupus of newborns
    Almost one million of Americans had lupus.

    What Causes Lupus?

    Many factors cause lupus. Genes, viruses, ultraviolet
    light, environment, stress, and certain medicines play
    some role. Autoimmune diseases in families are more
    common among relatives.
    Drug-induced lupus most often caused by hydralazine,
    quinidine, procainamide, phenytoin, isoniazide and
    d-penicillamine. SLE usually stops when the
    medications are stopped.
    Women may worse symptoms just before menstrual
    periods. Supposedly, female hormones play a role in
    the SLE development. 9 out of 10 SLE patients are
    Experiments in mice gave a clue that lack of a special
    ferment that removes DNA debris may have important
    role in the SLE pathogenesis.
    Another fact telling about the role of hereditary
    causes is that African women get lupus three times
    more often than white women. The same goes for
    Hispanic and Asian women. They also have more severe
    condition usually. Hispanic and African American
    patients have more, strokes and heart problems at a
    younger age.
    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Lupus affects many sites of the body.
    Reference 2: 

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