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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title:What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

    Rheumatoid arthritis is the destructive disease that
    targets primarily joints. However, it also affects
    many other organs and systems, including brain, heart,
    kidneys, spleen, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles.

    Rheumatoid arthritis affects around 1 in 100 people.
    In developed countries rheumatoid arthritis is the
    most common autoimmune disease. Though rheumatoid
    arthritis may start at any age, it is more common
    after sixty. One in twenty women over the age of 65
    years suffers the disease. Economically it is very
    expensive disease. Besides high direct medical cost,
    there is much greater indirect medical price tag.
    Rheumatoid arthritis cause many complications,
    requires drastic therapies and orthopedic surgery.
    Doctors estimate that rheumatoid arthritis makes a one
    in-three patient permanently disabled. Half of the
    patients stop work in first decade of diagnosis.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease. It leads to
    the loss of mobility due to joint destruction and
    pain. The joints suffer in a polyarticular manner.
    That means that many joints affected at the same time.
    Usually in the beginning joint problems are
    asymmetrical, later symmetrical ones. The pain
    improves when you use affected joints. Also there is
    the morning stiffness of all joints for an hour or
    more. In osteoarthritis pain worsens in opposite way -
    over the day after use.

    Erosion and destruction of the joint surfaces
    eventually leads to deformity. The fingers are
    typically deviated towards the little finger and make
    unnatural shapes: boutonniere deformity, swan neck
    deformity, Z-Thumb, "squared hand”.
    Besides joints problems patients suffer anemia,
    gastrointestinal bleeding from drugs, splenomegaly
    (big spleen) and leucopenia (Felty's syndrome), the
    salivary and lacrimal (tear) glands inflammation
    (Sjogren's syndrome).
    Dermatological marks of rheumatoid arthritis include
    subcutaneous (under skin) nodules mostly on elbows.
    Lungs may get fibrosis and pulmonary effusions. Blood
    vessel disorders lead to nail fold infarcts,
    neuropathies and nephropathies.
    Amyloidosis affects kidneys, heart and muscles. Heart
    also suffers form pericarditis and valve destruction.
    Dry eyes, sclera inflammation and softening may be
    found. Fissure and leaking of eye humor could happen.
    Neurological system is affected by neuritis and
    atlanto-axial subluxation. Eventually it may lead to
    compression of the spinal cord, paralysis and

    To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis American College of Rheumatologists
    developed the criteria.

    * Morning stiffness more than an hour.
    * Arthritis and soft-tissue swelling of more than 3
    * Arthritis of hand
    * Symmetric arthritis
    * Specific subcutaneous nodules
    * High rheumatoid factor
    * Radiological changes showing joint erosion

    At least four criteria are needed to establish the

    Immunological and other studies help to confirm the
    diagnosis: rheumatoid factor, anti-citrullinated
    protein antibodies, erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
    C-reactive protein, blood count, renal function tests,
    liver enzymes, antinuclear antibody. HLA marker DR4 is
    an important risk factor.
    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Rheumatoid arthritis affects around 1 in 100 people.
    In developed countries rheumatoid arthritis is the
    most common autoimmune disease.
    Reference 2: 

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