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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title: What is Liver Biopsy?
    Article:When your liver does not work properly, your doctor
    may suggest liver biopsy.
    Liver biopsy means that a small piece of tissue from
    your liver is taken for study. Usually the biopsy is
    taken by a doctor, who is using a special needle.
    The reasons to get liver biopsy include: blood test
    showing increased liver enzymes, overload with iron or
    copper, symptoms of chronic hepatitis. Basically,
    getting a sample of liver tissue is the advanced
    option to find what the cause of the liver damage is
    and to check if your treatment improves the liver
    condition. Though, the biopsy gives significant
    information about the problem and considered the
    standard of practice, it is usually not the first
    choice when you go to your doctor. Various criteria
    should be met. The guidelines for liver biopsy
    include: the ability of the patient return to the
    hospital during 30 minutes after any complications,
    absence of serious medical problems, presence of an
    approved laboratory, and staff to monitor the patient
    for 6 hours after the biopsy.
    The information must be useful for good patient care.
    Usually, doctor expects to clarify the cause of the
    liver damage, the degree of injury, the extent of
    damage, quality and quantity of inflammation and

    Liver biopsy may be done in an outpatient clinic or
    in-house. The medical staff should be experienced. The
    patient must stop coumadin and other anticoagulants,
    e.g. aspirin, or other anti-clotting medication a week
    before the procedure.
    Since the major risk is uncontrollable bleeding,
    anything that prolongs bleeding time serves as a
    contraindication to liver biopsy. This includes:
    history of bleeding, increased prothrombin time, low
    platelet count, prolonged bleeding, liver vascular
    tumor, echinococcal cysts in the liver, hemophilia,
    Also, anything that makes procedure more dangerous
    could be a contraindication: absence of blood
    available for transfusion, non-cooperative patient,
    significant obesity, ascites.

    Some of the listed problems may be corrected before
    the procedure by using additional measures.

    A patient gives an informed consent and is placed
    flat. Sometimes the doctor gives sedation.

    The skin is locally anesthetized, and the liver
    biopsy is performed. Doctor quickly inserts and
    withdraws a long needle into the liver. The piece of
    the liver is approximately 2-3 cm long and has the
    diameter of the needle.

    After biopsy you lie on right side. Doctors check
    blood pressure and heart rate.

    Some centers consider liver biopsy as minor surgery
    and perform it at the hospital.
    Doctors may use an ultrasound to guide the needle. Two
    more methods may be used: laparoscopic biopsy, when a
    thin tube helps to watch the liver and transvenous
    biopsy that is used when patient has ascites.

    You should arrange for somebody driving you home. You
    must stay in bed for a day, depending on doctor’s
    instructions. Risks of liver biopsy include accidental
    lung puncture infection, pain, bleeding. You should
    avoid anti-coagulants for a week after procedure. Also
    avoid heavy lifting and exercise for a while to allow
    the puncture to heal.

    What do they look in the liver samples?

    Liver biopsy is evaluated for fibrosis, inflammation
    and necrosis (amount of dead tissue). Inflammation is
    assessed by looking for mononuclear cells and
    lymphocytes. Fibrosis is the development of fiber-like
    tissue. Bridging fibrosis characterize advanced
    stages. Cirrhosis is sort of significant bridging
    fibrosis with regeneration that distorts normal liver
    architecture by widespread nodules. Cirrhosis happens
    in the late stages of liver disease. Basically,
    cirrhosis is the widespread scarring of the liver.

    Check More Information at:
    American Liver Foundation

    Symptoms check on-line

    Hepatitis Foundation International

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    United Network for Organ Sharing

    The samples of liver are processed in the lab and
    checked under microscope. The degree of damage is
    assessed by different systems of grading. We may
    mention: Ishak, Batts and Ludwig, Metavir and
    Histologic Activity Index (Knodell Score).
    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Liver biopsy is evaluated for fibrosis, inflammation
    and necrosis (amount of dead tissue).
    Reference 2: 

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