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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title:What is Lung Cancer?
    Article:What is Lung Cancer?

    Cancer is a disease where abnormal cells divide and
    produce more abnormal cells, which loose any control.
    Normally, cells divide and make more cells under
    strict control. Genetically damaged cells become
    weird. They grow without control, making masses. This
    extra mass of cells becomes a tumor. Benign tumors are
    not cancerous. Malignant, tumors are cancerous.

    Malignant tumors that originated in the lungs tissue
    are named lung cancer. There are two types of lung
    cancers - small cell and non-small cell lung cancer.
    Non-small cell lung cancer happens more often than
    small cell lung cancer. However, small cell lung
    cancer (looking like oat under microscope) grows
    faster and spread in the body more often. Metastatic
    lung cancer is the cancer that has spread from the
    lung to another part of the body. Spreading tumors go
    first to the lymph nodes and another lung in the
    chest. Later it goes to bones, liver and brain.

    Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among

    Smoking was found to be the leading cause of lung

    It was supposed that even smokeless tobacco or
    second-hand tobacco exposure leads to the lung cancer.
    Secondhand smoke is when non-smoker breathes the air
    with smoke
    Before wide spread of cigarette smoking, doctors
    rarely saw patients with lung cancer.

    Stopping cigarette smoking significantly reduces risk
    of lung cancer.
    Even cigar and pipe smokers who do not inhale smoke
    have increased risk for lung, mouth, throat, and
    bladder and stomach cancer.

    The more a smoker smokes cigarettes, pipes, or cigars
    a day, the longer he smokes, the earlier he began to
    smoke, the more is the risk of lung cancer.
    Smoking also leads to heart diseases, stroke, other
    lung diseases, and respiratory infections.

    Miners, who are exposed to radon, are also at risk for
    lung cancer. This radioactive gas that occurs
    naturally may be found even in regular homes. Special
    kits help to measure radon levels.

    Asbestos is also involved in lung cancer development.
    However, hallmark of asbestos exposure is mesothelioma
    – a malignant tumor of lungs lining. Shipbuilder,
    spaceship builders, insulation workers, miners, brake
    repairmen are at risk. Inhaled asbestos goes to the
    lungs. The damage is significantly increased by the
    fact that cleaning cells, macrophages, try to uptake
    and digest asbestos and silica particles, but can not
    do it easily and die, releasing a lot of cytokines and
    increasing the inflammation. If you work with
    asbestos, use protective equipment.

    Lung cancer symptoms

    Early lung cancer has no symptoms. Growing, it causes
    signs and symptoms:

    Cough that gets worse over time
    Blood in sputum
    Breath shortness
    Chest pain
    Repeating pneumonia or bronchitis
    Neck or face swelling
    Appetite decrease
    Weight loss

    Unfortunately, most cancers in early, most curable
    stages give no symptoms.

    Also, the listed symptoms may come from lung cancer as
    well as form other disease. You need to check with
    your doctor. Don wait until pain comes. Early cancer
    rarely causes pain.
    It is sometime accidental finding after seeing patient
    for another reason. To find out if you have lung
    cancer, your doctor will ask your medical history,
    smoking history, environmental and occupational
    history, and history of cancer in your family. After
    getting physical exam you may need a chest x-ray.
    Doctor may suspect that you have lung cancer by seeing
    a chest x-ray.
    Imaging methods include a computed tomography scan
    (CT), spiral CT scan or a PET (positron emission

    Sputum cytology may help to find suspected lung
    cancer. In this test a pathologist doctor examines a
    sample of mucus under microscope.

    To confirm the presence of cancer, a sample of tissue
    from the lung is needed. Biopsy is the removal of a
    small sample of tissue or fluid. Pathologist looks at
    the sample under a microscope.

    During bronchoscopy, a doctor puts thin fiberoptic
    tube (bronchoscope) into the lung airways. He can take
    a small sample of tissue. During thoracentesis, the
    doctor removes a sample of the fluids around the lungs
    with a needle. During needle aspiration, the doctor
    inserts a thin needle into the tumor and takes the
    sample. Thoracotomy is the surgical way to get

    How to treat lung cancer?

    Early treatment gives better outcomes.
    An oncologist, a surgeon, a radiation oncologist and
    your primary doctor will do the job.

    To treat lung cancer, doctor need to stage the disease
    and determine how far the cancer progressed.
    The stage determines the plan treatment. Small cell
    lung cancer has two stages: limited in the chest and
    extensive outside the chest.
    Non-small cell lung has four stages. Stage I and II
    and some stage III tumors allow surgery.
    Stage IV means spreading to bone, brain, liver or
    other site. Stage IV has limited options for
    treatment. Small cell lung cancer grows faster, but
    is more responsive to chemotherapy.
    Clinical trials test new treatments.

    Doctors use many different combinations of treatments.

    Surgery removes a small part of the affected lung, or
    the entire lung.

    Chemotherapy controls cancer through anti-cancer
    drugs. The drugs are injected through a catheter or
    given by mouth.
    Radiation therapy kills cancer in the area of
    radiation. Radiation can be combined with surgery.
    Laser therapy kills cancer cells during surgeries.

    Cryosurgery freezes cancer and may be combined with
    radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

    Small cell lung cancer quickly spreads all over the
    body. In order to kill cancer chemotherapy almost
    always required. Radiation therapy of other parts of
    the body may be used too.
    Sometimes radiation therapy to the brain is done,
    though no metastases are found. This radiation
    prevents tumors from appearing in the brain.

    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Malignant tumors that originated in the lungs tissue
    are named lung cancer.
    Reference 2: 

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