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Do you have a medical problem? Medical Knowledge, Diagnostics, Treatment and Disease Prevention.Articles by Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
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    Title:What is Cirrhosis?
    Article:Chronic inflammation of the liver in individuals with
    chronic hepatitis leads to the scarring (called
    fibrosis) of the liver. Fibrosis occurs when scar
    tissue is formed faster than it can be broken down.

    Viruses, chronic alcohol abuse, blockage of bile
    outflow and several other reasons cause this
    inflammation. Among viruses the leading cause is the
    hepatitis C virus. The infection of people with
    hepatitis B viruses decreased recently due to

    Liver fibrosis progresses and eventually leads to
    cirrhosis of the liver which impairs the liver to
    function. Cirrhosis (extensive liver scarring) is the
    long-term (10–40 years) result of liver scarring and
    fibrosis. Currently, there are no approved therapies
    to treat liver fibrosis.

    Your doctor checks the amount of fibrosis in your
    liver. Then, he can predict how your disease will
    progress and find the most appropriate way to deal
    with your disease. To grade the condition doctors take
    biopsy (a small liver sample that they get by a hollow
    The degree of liver fibrosis is graded according to
    Knodell, Metavir or Ishak grading scales.

    Treatment of liver fibrosis.

    Treatment of liver fibrosis is experimental.
    Some research in animals shows that investigational
    drug may suppress the processes of liver scarring
    (fibrosis). Other studies with drugs similar to some
    anti-diabetic drugs in people with liver fibrosis find
    that liver inflammation and fibrosis can be

    Treatment for Hepatitis C virus may stop or even
    reverse damage in liver fibrosis.

    Obviously, avoiding alcohol is very beneficial for you

    Surgical treatment involves different types of
    shunting (sort of detour) of blood from guts around
    the liver. This does not help with removal of toxic
    substances, which are cleaned by a normal liver.
    However it prevents rupture of some blood vessels that
    are usually overfilled with blood in the late stages
    of cirrhosis. Thus it prevents possible deadly,
    unstoppable bleeding if those vessels are ruptured.

    Another surgical possibility is a transplantation of a
    donor’s liver.
    Author:Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD
    Abstract:Cirrhosis (extensive liver scarring) is the
    long-term (10–40 years) result of liver scarring and
    Reference 2: 

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