Stargate Musings by TheOneRing
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 1  21  41  61 

TitleSizeAuthor Rating
Tents8 kBDebi CR
June 06, 2004
Daniel musings.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | POV |

The Leprechaun or When Irish Eyes are Smiling22 kBDebi C nee O’CiardhaNC17
March 16, 2004
The men celebrate life, love, Saint Patrick’s Day, silk and Glenfiddich. Notes: From a chat challenge. I think I got it all with a minor adjustment for writers perogative
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Challenge | Drama | Established Relationship | Humor | PWP | Romance | Round Robin |

The Line30 kBJudeR
December 21, 2003
Jack is bored and disillusioned with his life and travels to Chicago for a new experience.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel |

The Massage Series45 kBfraNC17
March 08, 2004
A different Daniel comes to visit a different Jack. Jack just needs to let go...
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Alternate Universe | Established Relationship | First Time | POV | PWP | Romance | Series |

The Night Before kBLizPG13
May 03, 2005
Is Daniel hung over or isn’t he? And if not, what the hell is going on?
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | First Time | Romance |

The Suit and the Jacket53 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
Cloth kinks with a difference lead to total meltdown. Or so I've been told.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Established Relationship | PWP |

The Sun's Love37 kBJudeR
December 17, 2003
Jack takes steps to move forward in his relationship with Daniel as he struggles to leave part of his past behind.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst |

The Walls Of Jericho176 kBIcarusNC17
May 25, 2005
Jack's legendary diplomacy leads to more than the usual trouble off-world.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Action/Adventure | Angst | Drama | First Time | Humor | Romance |

The Wormhole X-Treme Phenomenon (aka How Jack got into slash) HuntressNC17
February 22, 2004
Guess who's writing WX slash fics??
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | First Time | Humor |

February 24, 2004
Daniel Jackson is a man on the run from the Air Force and one Colonel in particular. Crossover with The Sentinel.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Crossover |

Watching 1 - Watching22 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
Watching seems to be a habit for a couple of familiar characters. Jack/Daniel; Harry/Paul
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Established Relationship | PWP | Series |

What is Essential525 kBbabs and JoAGNC17
January 31, 2004
Daniel's world is turned upside down when Jack is brutally murdered before his eyes until a trip to another planet sends his world spinning once more.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Hurt/Comfort |



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