Stargate Musings by TheOneRing
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 1  21  41  61 

TitleSizeAuthor Rating
Communication78 kBDebi CPG13
June 10, 2004
Daniel figures out how to help Jack and runs into unexpected reactions from his friends.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Action/Adventure | Angst | Established Relationship |

Computer Research34 kBDebi CPG13
January 10, 2004
Um, Daniel and his computer become...attached?
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Drama | Romance |

Daniel's Office5890 kBDebi CR
March 02, 2004
A series of vignettes about the descension of Daniel Jackson
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Series |

Daniel's Office5890 kBDebi CG
April 15, 2004
Hammond returns to the Mountain and finds something has happened.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Drama | Series | Smarm |

Danny31 kBOrrymainPG13
January 11, 2004
After the mission with The Gamekeeper, Daniel retreats to his apartment. Jack follows only to be told that Danny has checked out (in a manner of speaking) :}
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Drama | Hurt/Comfort | Missing Scene/Epilogue | Romance |

Desert Heat16 kBDebi CPG
March 09, 2004
To the Alpha Gate challenge: "Heat Haze." A visit to Abydos leads to declarations.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Challenge | Drama | Established Relationship | Romance | Round Robin |

Dreams7 kBDebi CPG13
February 07, 2004
Jack has a nightmare.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Angst | Drama | Established Relationship | POV | Smarm |

Falling81 kBJudeNC17
December 21, 2003
Jack and Daniel take a trip, and Daniel learns some surprising things about Jack.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel |

Feeling Our Way132 kBOrrymainNC17
March 05, 2004
Jack and Daniel spend their first night together as lovers, and their first week together as soulmates for eternity.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | First Time | Romance |

Forever Love Part 2 - This World is Never Enough48 kBDebi CNC17
January 15, 2004
What happens at the cabin after Daniel returns and why he did. Direct Sequel to Forever Is Not Long Enough
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Alternate Universe | Angst | Established Relationship | Romance | Series |

Forever Love Part 1 - Forever May Not Be Long Enough for My Love55 kBDebi CNC17
January 14, 2004
This is a Meridian Fix It story. Jack and Daniel belong together...just ask them. This is the First Story in the FOREVER LOVE SERIES
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Alternate Universe | Angst | Drama | Hurt/Comfort | Romance | Series |

Forever Love Part 3 - Just How Far I'd Travel, Just How Far Would I Go.468 kBDebi CNC17
January 17, 2004
This is a Meridian Fix story, third in a series. Jack and Daniel belong together...just ask them.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Action/Adventure | Alternate Universe | Angst | Drama | Established Relationship | Humor | Hurt/Comfort | Romance | Series |

Forever Love Part 4 Fire On The Mountain272 kBDebi CNC17
February 29, 2004
After Daniel’s Ascension, Jack had retired to his fabled cabin outside of Elk Horn Minnesota. Daniel de-ascends in time to keep Jack from an early grave. Jack and Daniel are now trying to enjoy a quiet retirement in Elk Horn Minnesota. But alas, such is not to be.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Action/Adventure | Alternate Universe | Drama | Established Relationship | Series |

Four by Fouroff-siteThe HuntressNC17
February 23, 2004
Jack and Teal'c catch Daniel and Jonas together and decide to have some fun with their respective lovers
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | PWP |

Game 1 - Jacks Vacation Game15 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
Well away from prying eyes, Jack and Daniel live out a fantasy. Porn with Porn.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | BDSM | Established Relationship | WIP |

Game 2 - Daniel's Friday Game29 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
Jack's secret fantasy comes true, but just how does Daniel know what it is?
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | BDSM | Established Relationship | PWP |

Game 3 - Christmas Games41 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
A winter wonderland is the setting for the latest fun and games.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | BDSM | Established Relationship | PWP |

Games 4 - Keep on Truckin'34 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
Two guys and a truck. Isn't that enough? Wet Daniel. Okay, al-fresco sex. I'll bet you've clicked already, eh?
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | BDSM | Established Relationship | PWP |

Games 5 - Shag Tags14 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
A club, some numbers... Just trust me, okay? Surprise, it's a once a year event. Jack's 'night off' from Daniel.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | Established Relationship | PWP |

Games 6 - Winter Games55 kByraggNC17
December 19, 2004
More fun in the snow. This is my answer to the FDAS 'End of Year Challenge' 2004. It had to include a snowman, chocolate sauce, a wooden leg and five film titles in a conversation.
| Slash | Jack/Daniel | BDSM | Challenge | Established Relationship | PWP |



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