Perry's Pyros, LLC
Perry's Pyros, LLC

Perry's Pyros, LLC

Currently Booking Events for 2005 - ?

Perry’s Pyros offers more then just fireworks! Anything you need to help take your production to the next level is possible when Perry’s Pyros is a part of your show.

Fireworks: Both indoor and outdoor, big or small, a package can be put together to fit almost any budget.

Flame Effects: Propane flame effects are always a crowd pleaser. Used in the opening, the closing, or throughout the whole show. Booking is tight for these units so book your event early.

Cryogenic Fog & Smoke: Whether you want the appearance of smoke to fill the outgate or you want to cover the arena with a layer of fog. Cryogenic Fog needs to booked early.

Special Lighting: To enhance the look of the cowboys as they are introduced or to highlight banners and flags in the arena. Let us know and we can make it happen.

Sound: For bigger arenas that need a little extra volume, or shows that want that chest thumping bass.

Music: Perry’s Pyros can cut songs for specific stock names, make custom opening songs to help bring the crowd to the edge of their seats, or just supply music for the show.

Special Presentations and Tributes: Since the very beginning Perry’s Pyros have been putting together patriotic tributes honoring Old Glory, American Soldiers, victims of 9-11, or any other special presentation you want to make in the arena.

Opening and Closing Productions: Coordinating and planning cowboy introductions, National Anthem and prayers, introducing personnel, and sending the crowd home wanting more.

Contact Perry’s Pyros today to take your show to the next level.


Perry's Pyros, LLC


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