<span class="Titel">2011 Worldwide Club Directory - www.penpalclubs.net</span> Signal's first WW Club Directory was issued already in the 1960's, the current wwcd is on all our websites * www.signalpenpals.net * www.worldsignal.net * www.penpalmagazine.net * www.penpalclubs.net * www.globalcollectors.net * www.lahtelaista.net * Raimo Kaarna, Purokatu 18, FI-15200 Lahti, Finland

1960-2015 Penpal and Mail Order Publications
- worldwide club directory of died and current papers

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Club / Magazine:Business Advertiser ¤ 9
Address:E Sethuraman, 10/12 South Mada St Ln, IN-600049 Madras, INDIA
Country, code:INYB14+
Description:A4, 2 pages, offset, 20+ trade ads, clubs, sample $ 1, your 20 words $ 5.

Visit Signal's website * 1.000.000 hits in 18 years * now 3.800 pages * 50.000 penpals worldwide * your ad FREE !

Raimo Kaarna

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