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Message from : Shirleysmith on 5/29 2024, EMail: shirleysmith9856@gmail.com
What does Oseltamivir do to The Body?

    Oseltamivir, also known by the brand name Tamiflu, is an antiviral drug used to treat and prevent illnesses brought on by the influenza (flu) virus, according to the information found in the search results.
    Oseltamivir reduces the length and intensity of flu symptoms by inhibiting the virus's growth within the body. It can reduce recovery time by 1-2 days and helps relieve symptoms including runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever, chills, and body pains.
    Oseltamivir 75 mg Capsule can help those who have been exposed to the virus, such as family members of an infected person, avoid getting the flu, but it is not a replacement for the yearly flu shot. When administered within 48 hours of the start of flu symptoms or exposure, it works best.
    Oseltamivir is usually well tolerated, yet in rare cases, particularly in youngsters, it might have major side effects include disorientation, aberrant behavior, and hallucinations. While using this medicine, patients should be closely observed for any odd changes in behavior or mood.

    Visit Site:- https://www.genericcures.com/product/antiflu-75mg-capsule-oseltamivir/
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