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Message from : bhartieye3 on 12/29 2022, EMail: bhartieyefoundation3@gmail.com
Advantages of phacoemulsification

    Phacoemulsification is a modern surgical procedure performed to remove cataract from the eye. This surgery was first introduced in 1967. Cataract is very common eye disorder that is found in the people who are 40 or over. The person with cataract has to face difficulty in reading, driving and other routine activities due to cloudy, dimmed and blurred vision. In this type of cataract surgery, the ultrasonic waves are used to break the cloudy lens of the eye which is then suctioned out with the help of vacuum. The process is ended with the implantation of a new intraocular lens in place of cloudy natural lens. This surgery is performed with a sophisticated device named phaco machine.
    Phacomulsification helps you restore clear vision.
    The advantage of phacoemulsification

    • No need for hospitalization
    • Less chances of complications due to small incision
    • No bandages minimal precautions.
    • No restriction on normal activities. You can resume daily activities from the next morning.
    • Fast recovery of good vision within two or three days
    • Reduce the need of eyeglasses
    • Early visual rehabilitation.
    • Sharper, clearer and better vision that helps in boosting self confidence and proceed to better mobility
    Our Best Eye Surgeries in West Delhi include:
    Refractive Surgery
    Cataract Surgery
    Contact Lens
    Laser Cataract Surgery
    Retina Surgery
    Glaucoma Treatment
    Smile Eye Surgery
    Lasik Eye Surgery
    Squint Treatment
    Cornea Transplant Surgery
    Pediatric Opthalmology
    Oculoplasty And Aesthetic
    Visit our Website: Bharti Eye Foundation
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