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Message from : michel on 12/27 2022, EMail: michelwilson591@gmail.com
石井 ゆかり and シウマ 占い師

    Ishii Yukari writes articles and essays on horoscopes, and his "12 constellations series" (WAVE Publishing) has become a bestseller with 1.2 million copies sold. Author of many books.

    <a href="https://sites.google.com/astrologyjp.com/yukariishii/home">&#30707;&#20117; &#12422;&#12363;&#12426;</a>
    Ryukyu Feng Zhi Shiuma, who has become a hot topic in the fortune-telling special feature of "Figaro Japon" magazine and the fortune-telling variety program "Is it okay to fortune suddenly?
    <a href="https://sites.google.com/astrologyjp.com/shiumafortuneteller/home">&#12471;&#12454;&#12510; &#21344;&#12356;&#24107;</a>

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