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Message from : aliceperry on 1/31 2023, EMail: aliceperryus@gmail.com
Cornea Foundation | Bharti Eye Foundation

    The procedure of corneal transplant
    cornea grafting, whole eye transplant cost in india, artificial cornea transplant cost in india, cornea foundation, corneal transplant procedure
    Corneal transplant is a surgical operation which involves the removal of diseased or damaged cornea and implantation of healthy corneal tissues from a donor. Cornea is a clear and dome-shaped front part of the eye that is responsible for refraction in the eye to give us sharp vision. Cornea protects our eye from the germs, dirt and dust particle, and the UV rays of the sun. But some factors like eye infection, trauma, injury in eye, deficiency of vitamin A and previous eye surgery can lead to corneal damage or corneal scarring. As a result, the person with damaged cornea has to suffer from eye pain, blurred vision, excessive tearing, and redness of the eye, headache, and extreme sensitivity to light. If the problem is serious, an ophthalmologist will suggest you corneal transplant or corneal grafting.
    How corneal transplant is done?
    Corneal transplant procedure takes at least one hour. First of the patient is given general anesthesia for numbing the eye. During this procedure, a circular piece of damaged cornea from the centre of your eye is removed and replaced with the donated cornea. For removing damaged cornea, a circular cutting instrument named trephine is used. The new and healthy cornea is inserted by tiny stitches, which sometimes makes a star-like pattern around the edges. You can see the stitches faintly after the operation.
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