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Message from : aliceperry on 1/30 2023, EMail: aliceperryus@gmail.com
The procedure of cataract surgery

    <a href="https://bhartieyefoundation.in/cataract.html">Cataract Surgery</a>
    TITLE: Who is required cataract surgery?
    KEYWORD: cataract surgery, cataract surgery symptoms, what symptoms lead to cataract surgery
    Cataract Surgery is a surgical procedure in which involves removal of cataract and implanting a new artificial lens. Cataract is an eye condition in which the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy and you experience cloudy, dimmed and blurred vision. Now the question rises does every person with cataract require cataract surgery?
    No, this is not necessary that every person with cataract requires cataract surgery because it depends on the condition or stage of the cataract. If you have cataract and you don’t have any vision issue or you don’t notice any change in your vision, you don’t need any cataract surgery. Actually, cataract grows very slowly and you can manage it by wearing prescribed eyeglasses.
    But the symptoms of cataract grow with growing cataract; you might have blurred, clouded or dimmed vision. You might have double vision with the cataract.
    What symptoms lead to cataract surgery?
    • Blurred, cloudy and dimmed vision
    • Double vision
    • Difficulty in reading, driving, working on the screen
    • Doing any tasks that requires extreme clear vision
    • Poor vision at night
    • Creating halos or glare around the light sources
    • Dark colours look dull or faded.
    Our Best Eye Surgeries In West Delhi Include:
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    Pediatric Opthalmology

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