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Message from : aliceperry on 1/20 2023, EMail: aliceperryus@gmail.com
Refractive Surgery: Overview

    Myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (blurred vision in all directions), and presbyopia (age-related nearsightedness) are examples of refractive abnormalities that can be surgically corrected. You can't see things clearly due to refractive defects. You have trouble seeing clearly, making it difficult for you to read, drive, and carry out other tasks. The cornea and the eye's lens work together to perform refraction in the eye. Because of this, corneal and lens reshaping is used in refractive surgery.
    The refractive error has four types:-
     Myopia (nearsightedness) prevents you from seeing objects in the distance.

     Hyperopia (farsightedness) prevents you from seeing close-up objects.

     Astigmatism causes hazy vision in all directions, making it difficult to see things properly.

     Presbyopia is an age-related nearsightedness condition that makes it harder as you become older to perceive things in the distance.
     Typically, presbyopia develops after the age of 40.
    The types of Refractive Surgery:-
     LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) (laser in-situ keratomileusis)
     Radial keratotomy Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) (RK)
     A keratotomy for astigmatism (AK)
     Laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) and automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK) (LTK)
     Clinical keratoplasty (CK)
     Ring inside the cornea (Intacs)
    Our Best Eye Surgeries in West Delhi include:
    Cataract Surgery
    Contact Lens
    Retina Surgery
    Glaucoma Treatment
    Smile Eye Surgery
    Lasik Eye Surgery
    Squint Treatment
    Cornea Transplant Surgery
    Pediatric Opthalmology
    Oculoplasty And Aesthetic
    Visit our Website: Bharti Eye Foundation
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