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Message from : Laile on 2/18 2023, EMail: tejat934@mustbeit.com

    Subscribing to the Disney Plus Account
    To subscribe to the Disney Plus Begin account, you will have a debit or credit card. There is another payment gateway that you can use, such as net banking, UPI, and Paypal. So be ready with the payment details, and let’s begin;

    Log in to your Disney plus account.
    Then go to the subscribe button.
    Here you will get three plans for Disney plus.
    The plans are separated depending on the duration and number o devices to stream simultaneously.
    After selecting the plan, click on the subscribe button below each plan.
    Then it will redirect you to the next page, where the payment methods are located.
    Select your payment method and then enter the details.
    If you select the credit or debit card, you need to enter the card number, cardholder’s name, expiry date, and the CVV.
    For net banking, you need to log in to your account.
    And for UPI, enter the UPI id and then continue.
    The next page will verify your payment using the OTP or UPI verification.
    After the payment completes, the success logo appears.
    In this way, you have successfully subscribed to Disney plus.
    Now you will get the premium streaming experience of Disney plus.
    You can renew the plan by revisiting the subscription page.
    Now using the account as well as the active subscription to Disney plus, you can go to the

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