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Message from : MetaMask Chrome on 2/9 2024, EMail: hixedi5976@evvgo.com

    In case you are new to the crypto world USA and decided to trade some Ethereum tokens, then you must use MetaMask wallet for the storage of those crypto assets. Now, you must be wondering why would someone suggest you go only with this wallet when there are so many options to choose from. Well, this is because MetaMask is a true Ethereum wallet that lets you make the most out uk of your trading journey, especially if you are dealing with ETH or ERC-20 tokens. However there is a downside to using this wallet, i.e. you cannot store Bitcoins over it. But, this truly is a magical potion for all those dealing in the Ethereum blockchain. According to research, using this wallet through the MetaMask Chrome extension is the easiest possible way.
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