the Single Surname Site

Single Surname Site ....... ( or 3S for short )

Using the simple and intuitive listing below,
please view or search for the surname you require
and click the website address.

New sites are added regularly.
You can add yours - click ADD URL above.

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If your web site is a Single Surname Site
or specialises in 'one-name'
please add your link to our listings click here

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© 2008, Norman Lucey. All rights reserved.
Page revised:- 1 January 2008
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Privacy Statement:

Please note this site is intended for genealogical research
and it is not intended to publish information on living individuals
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Whilst care has been taken in the preparation of this site, the
accuracy of the information contained therein cannot be guaranteed
and the original sources must be referred to in all cases. This
website shall not be held responsible for the content of the
websites listed and is only to be used as a 'finding' source.
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the Single Surname Site

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