Lincoln Unified School District Attendance Area

Lincoln Unified School District Attendance Area

Welcome to Lincoln Unified! Federal legislation affects our practices in determining placements for students. This legislation in no way affects the spirit or the focus of Lincoln Unified. The District honors the concept of neighborhood schools, and works to keep families together at the school of their choice whenever possible. However, overcrowding at the neighborhood school may require placement at another Lincoln Unified school. The District will provide transportation for students on overflow status from their neighborhood school. For registration information, please go to the Student Enrollment page.

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Hazelwood Ave5John R Williams
Heather Dr 7500-78995John R Williams
Heather Dr 7900-81993Colonial Heights
Heatherbrook Dr18Brookside
Heatherbrook Pl18Brookside
Heirloom Ct18Brookside
Hemingway Dr 701-899 (odd)13John R Williams
Hempstead Way22John R Williams
Heritage Pl18Brookside
Herndon Pl 6100-669923Mable Barron
Herndon Pl 6100-66999Tully C Knoles
Herndon Pl 6700-68996Mable Barron
Heron Lakes Ct 18Brookside
Heron Lakes Dr18Brookside
Hidden Brook Ct19Claudia Landeen
Hidden Brook Dr19Claudia Landeen
Hillsboro Way 4600-529913John R Williams
Hillview Ave22John R Williams
Holiday Ct 800-89912Lincoln Elementary
Holiday Dr 5300-579912Lincoln Elementary

LUSD Welfare and Attendance

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