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Message from : Eliza Rose on 7/10 2023, EMail: elizarose1777@gmail.com
Contamination from Montair

    The drug montair (montelukast) is typically well tolerated. Nonetheless, it has the potential to have negative effects in some people, just like any medication. The likelihood and severity of side effects can differ from person to person when using Montair, and not everyone will experience them. One of the most frequent side effects of Montair is headaches. Often, they are minor and momentary.

    Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Some people may have gastrointestinal symptoms such indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea, or stomach discomfort.

    Montair. Hives, itchiness, rash, swelling of the cheeks, lips, tongue, or throat, as well as trouble breathing or swallowing, are all indications of an allergic reaction. If you have any symptoms of an allergic response, it's critical to seek emergency medical attention.

    Occasionally, taking Montair has been linked to behavioural changes like agitation, aggression, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, disturbed sleep, and mood swings, especially in kids. It is crucial that you get in touch with your healthcare physician if you observe any strange behavioural changes.

    Other Adverse Effects: Montair may also cause less frequent side effects such as nosebleeds, exhaustion, flu-like symptoms, muscular or joint discomfort, and changes in liver function tests.

    Another similar-type inhaler for asthma is:-

    Duolin Inhaler :- https://www.arrowmeds.com/product/duolin-inhaler/
    Flixonase nasal spray :- https://www.arrowmeds.com/product/flixonase-nasal-spray-fluticasone-propionate/
    Montair :- https://www.arrowmeds.com/product/montair/
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