404 Crossroads
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Transcribed by Sarae
Transcriptions courtesy of SG1 Transcripts


We see the gate activating and guards surrounding it with their weapons
drawn. This iris is closed.

WALTER DAVIS:(on intercom) Off world activation, repeat, we have an off
world activation.

CONTROL ROOM We see Hammond and Jack come into the room.

DAVIS: We're receiving Bra'Tac's IDC sir.

JACK: Bra'Tak?

HAMMOND: Open the iris, have Teal'C come to the gate room.


Jack walks in and we see a lone cloaked figure exit the wormhole. The guards
aim their weapons at the figure. The figure removes the cloak and reveals
herself as a beautiful woman. She spreads her arms in a gesture of peace.

SHO'NAC : I mean you no harm.

The gate disengages.

JACK: Bra'Tak! .you've ... done something with your hair!

HAMMOND: (in control room)Identify yourself!

SHO'NAC: I am Sho'Nak of the Red Hills. Master Bra'Tak opened the Chappa'ai
but was unable to accompany me.

JACK: Why is that?

SHO'NAC: There is much unrest on Chulak. He took great risk in sending me
here. (Teal'C enters the gate room. )Teal'C!

TEAL'C (surprised): Sho'Nak!

JACK: (to Teal'C) Friend of yours?

TEAL'C: Indeed.

Jack signals for the guards to lower their weapons. Sho'Nak walks down the
ramp to Teal'C and they stand staring at each other holding hands.

SHO'NAC: Kell matee Teal'C.

TEAL'C: Kell matee!

JACK: (Clearing his throat to get Teal'C's attention) Teal'C, how about a
little introduction of some sort.

SHO'NAC: There is no need. (to Jack) BRA'TAC has told me much of the Tau'ri.
You are O'NEILL.TEAL'C'S apprentice.

O'NEILL: Yes.(realizes what she said) apprentice?

TEAL'C smiles .

SHO'NAC: Also a warrior of great skill and cunning.

O'NEILL: Apprentice?

HAMMOND enters.

SHO'NAC: HAMMOND of Texas, a great and strong leader among humans.

HAMMOND: What can we do for you?

SHO'NAC: You must take me to the Tok'ra immediately. (O'NEILL raises his
eyebrow) I have information that could destroy the Goa'uld. (Everyone looks
at her)


SG1, HAMMOND, JANET and SHO'NAC are sat around the table.

SHO'NAC: I have found a way to communicate with my symbiote.

JACK (to TEAL'C) Is that possible?

TEAL'C: It is not.

SHO'NAC: That is what we were trained to believe TEAL'C. The Goa'uld have no
wish for the Jaffa to influence their young.

DANIEL: That makes sense.

TEAL'C: How then was this communion achieved?

SHO'NAC : Within a deep state of Kel'no'reen.

SAM: Well we know that the symbiote is completely isolated from the Jaffa
who carries it. How can there be communication?

JANET: Medically speaking the symbiote acts almost like an internal organ.
There's an exchange of hormones and electrical impulses but it's on a
completely unconscious level.

HAMMOND: It's a function of their immune system.

SHO'NAC: It has taken many years but I have raised that primal communication
to the conscious level.

DANIEL: Oh ok, assuming that you are. what do you talk about?

SHO'NAC: I have convinced it that the Goa'uld are evil. That its own desires
for power and domination are wrong. It is willing to join the Tok'ra and
reveal all Goa'uld secrets to them. (She looks at HAMMOND)

O'NEILL: I know I'm just the apprentice at this table but…

TEAL'C: Why then not instruct this symbiote to deliver these secrets

O'NEILL: Exactly.

SHO'NAC: We do not communicate in words. It is more feelings, images,
memories. It will only be fully capable of communicating the knowledge it
was born with once it takes a host.

CARTER: And since you convinced it that the Goa'uld are evil it ill only
take a willing host?

SHO'NAC : (in pain) It is most urgent!

TEAL'C: Your symbiote is ready to take a host even now!

SHO'NAC: It has already passed its time. You have my word that it will harm
no one. I have convinced it to wait!

JACK raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

JANET: Once a Goa'uld larvae leaves the body the Jaffa's immune system stops
functioning. You're putting yourself at great risk.

SHO'NAC: I believe that risk is worth taking. If you would take me to the
Tok'ra immediately?

HAMMOND: We can't do that I'm sorry.

SHO'NAC: (Seeing everyone's disbelieving faces) You do not believe I speak
the truth.

DANIEL: No, it's not that we don't believe you.

TEAL'C (interrupting): We do not. What you say cannot be proven.

O'NEILL : I think what TEAL'C is trying to say is that.

TEAL'C: I have said precisely what I intended O'NEILL! (They stare at each
other. )

JACK: Ok then I guess what I'm trying to say is that we'd like to believe
you, we really would.

SHO'NAC: You have my word.(looks around) but that is not enough! (She stands
to leave) Then the secrets of the Goa'uld will die with me!

HAMMOND: SHO'NAC please understand?

SHO'NAC (in pain as the snake stirs) I do understand General Hammond,
Bra’tac was wrong about the wisdom of the Tau'ri! (She collapses to the
floor in agony. Everyone stands alarmed. )

TEAL'C: SHO'NAC! SHO'NAC! (The symbiote suddenly half emerges from her
pouch. Everyone is shocked. JACK looks disgusted at the symbiote. )

HAMMOND (to guard) Airman! (The guard aims his gun at the symbiote. )

TEAL'C (Hands up): Do not! (SHO'NAC whispers in Goa'uld to the symbiote and
it recedes into her pouch. SHO'NAC passes out. )

TEAL'C: Dr FRASIER you may now approach.

JANET: ( runs over to help SHO'NAC. ) We need to get her to the infirmary.


JANET is monitoring SHO'NAC who is asleep in an infirmary bed. TEAL'C is sat
on the bed watching her. JACK and HAMMOND are also present. JANET walks over

JANET: She wasn't exaggerating. The symbiote is fully adult.

JACK: Yeah, saw that!

HAMMOND: So her immune system is breaking down?

JANET: Yes, I'm not sure how long the symbiote will remain before it has no
choice but to seek out a new host. That is its primal instinctual behavior.
I may have to recommend quarantine sir.

HAMMOND (to JACK) Well if you think so?

JACK: (Shocked) Absolutely, sir!

SHO'NAC: (Quietly) No.

JANET: (Walks over to bed) I gave you a sedative. You should be asleep.

SHO'NAC: Col-mah has neutralized the sedative.

JANET: Col-mah?

TEAL'C (angrily) : It mean's child. (To SHO'NAC) The demon you carry within
you in no child!

SHO'NAC: Do I not carry it in me as I would my own? Have I not taught it
right from wrong as any mother would? You have closed your mind Teal’c. I
expected more!

HAMMOND and JACK exchange glances at this outburst.

TEAL'C: May we speak privately?

SHO'NAC: My symbiote has assured me that this will not happen again.

JACK: (sarcastically) Oh well if the snake says so then who are we!

The HUMANS leave.

SHO'NAC (Pained): The others I can understand, but you have known me since
before I went to the temple! How can you doubt me? This is my life's work!

TEAL'C: A life lived in worship of the Goa'uld!

SHO'NAC: No, I believe now as you do that they are false gods.

TEAL'C: Words from one who became a priestess in the temple.

SHO'NAC (emotionally): One day as I meditated in the temple with the others
I heard the thoughts of my symbiote! Dreams that were not my own! I reached
out to them with my mind and I heard it answer. Not in words but in
grotesque images and pain. I realized then that the being that I carried was
no god! A powerful mind yes, but not that of a god. I dedicated my life that
day to showing it the way of peace. It understands now that the Goa'uld are
an abomination. Can you not see what it is that I offer?

TEAL'C: Bra’tac is wise, but I do not know why he would have sent you here
like this!

SHO'NAC: He believes TEAL'C. How can I make you believe too?

TEAL'C: There is a way.


DANIEL and SAM are reviewing information on the Goa'uld as JACK knocks and
walks in.

CARTER: How is she?

JACK: Err, Fraiser says she has maybe a couple of days tops. Find anything?

DANIEL: No but TEAL'C knows more on the subject than I ever will.

CARTER: He sure doesn't believe her.

O'NEILL (leaning down on the desk) Well there may be a little more than
meets the eye here. I'm thinkin' they got history!

CARTER: History?

O'NEILL: Oh yeah!

DANIEL: She's a temple priestess.


DANIEL: So they don't do a lot of dating.

O'NEILL: Maybe not, but there was some serious sparkage when she arrived!

CARTER: Ok, the question is what if she's telling the truth?

O'NEILL: So what, she can't tell the Tok'ra anymore than they already know
can she?

CARTER: Actually, sir, she can, the Tok'ra.

O'NEILL (interrupting): Consider themselves different than the Goa'uld, I
know. But let's call a snake a snake shall we?

CARTER: Physiologically they're both parasitical and pass on their knowledge
through genetic memory yes, but the majority of the Tok'ra left the Goa'uld
gene pool over two thousand years ago.

DANIEL: Yeah, they probably learnt a thing or two in that time.

SAM: Which makes SHO'NAC'S symbiote very valuable sir. To us and the Tok'ra.

JACK: If TEAL'C doesn't buy it then I don't buy is and there's no way of
proving it, so what are you going to do?

TEAL'C enters the room.


JACK: (Turning around) Master Teal’c.

TEAL'C: I am in need of your assistance.

O'NEILL: I'm here to serve!

TEAL'C : Daniel Jackson, Major Carter I am in need of your assistance also.

They look puzzled and follow him from the office.


The room is full of lit candles. TEAL' C is sat ready to meditate and the
rest of SG1 watch over him.

TEAL'C: In the deepest levels of Kel-no-reem the heart beats in extremely
long intervals. It is even possible to meditate so deeply that one may stop
the heart altogether. The practice is forbidden.

SAM: Wouldn't your symbiote try to start it up again?

TEAL'C: That is correct. According to SHO'NAC it is only at this time that a
communion between Jaffa and symbiote is possible.

CARTER: Like a near death experience?

TEAL'C: That is correct.

O'NEILL: Is it dangerous?

DANIEL: JACK, he's stopping his heart.

JACK: (Annoyed look at DANNY) I mean for us!

TEAL'C: I am unsure of what will occur if and when communion with my
symbiote is achieved. It may be necessary to restrain me.

O'NEILL: Well, knock yourself out!

TEAL'C meditates as SG1 watch anxiously.

Suddenly he sees a vision of a Jaffa being dragged by other Jaffa and a

TEAL'C (opening his eyes): I believe I saw a vision of my father!

DANIEL: It's working?

TEAL'C: I will begin again.

He meditates and sees his father and the woman. CRONOS appears and Teal’c's
father is brought before him. He crushes TEAL'C'S father's symbiote by
thrusting his hands into his pouch and kills his father. As his father dies
in the vision TEAL'C collapses in his quarters.

SAM rushes to the phone in the room as DANIEL and JACK move to help him.

SAM: Medical emergency, TEAL'C'S quarters!

TEAL'C (opens his eyes. ):That will not be necessary Major Carter.

CARTER (on telephone) Delay that last order and stand by.

JACK (To DANIEL): Get him up. (They help TEAL'C to sit up. ) What happened?

TEAL'C: I have received a vision from my symbiote. It was a memory it chose
to share. Its hatred for me is great.

CARTER: Then it is possible. SHO'NAC is telling the truth.

TEAL'C: Yes, yes!


We see ANISE waiting to meet with SG1 and HAMMOND. She walks to the briefing
table and sits down.

ANISE: The great queen Ageria. She broke from the Goa'uld over 2000 years
ago. Her offspring became the Tok'ra.

DANIEL Ageria, Roman goddess of fountains.

O'NEILL: Fountains?

DANIEL: Also childbirth.

O'NEILL: How do those two go together?

DANIEL: It doesn't matter, she was also adviser to Numo Pontillius, a
legendary ruler.

ANISE: Correct Dr JACKSON. Ageria came to the Tau'ri to stop the Goa'uld
from taking humans through the Stargate as slaves. Ra found her and killed
her but not before she had spawned our movement.

CARTER: Literally?


O'NEILL: Thanks for the image.

HAMMOND: Then the original number of Tok'ra is all you have?

ANISE: Very few Goa'uld came over to our side, but none in the past few
hundred years. Our numbers have diminished as symbiotes unable to find new
hosts died or fell in battle. That is why SHO'NAC'S offer is so provocative.
Until the symbiote is blended with a host we cannot be sure of the outcome.
But if what she claims is correct we could one day increase our numbers.

HAMMOND: So you've decided to accept her offer?

ANISE: I will make the proposal to the council with my recommendation.

O'NEILL: How long will that take?

ANISE: It will not be an easy decision. There are great risks involved.

CARTER: She doesn't have a lot of time.

TEAL'C: SHO'NAC'S symbiote is fully mature. It must take a host within the
day, two at most.

ANISE: Then I will leave immediately. (She gets up, as do the others
toleave. )

TEAL'C (To ANISE) I would make a personal request.

FREYA (Host mode) What is it TEAL'C?

TEAL'C: SHO'NAC came to this world expecting not to survive.

FREYA: She needs a symbiote to replace that which she now carries.

TEAL'C: By the time you return it may be too late.

FREYA: There are no Jaffa within the Tok'ra ranks.

TEAL'C (emotionally): I do not wish for her to die.

FREYA: I cannot promise TEAL'C but we will try.

TEAL'C bows and ANISE leaves.


TEAL'C enters the room. There are many candles lit and SHO'NAC is sat
meditating on the floor.

TEAL'C (smiling): The Tok'ra council is considering your offer.

SHO'NAC: My symbiote is eager to meet them. I hope they can reach their
decision within the time.

She clutches her stomach in pain. TEAL'C reaches down and helps her to her

TEAL'C: Your pain grows worse!


TEAL'C: For what reason did you wait so long?

SHO'NAC: I was afraid you would not believe. Since word came to the temple
that you betrayed APOPHIS I have thought of you every day.

TEAL'C: As a Shol'va?

SHO'NAC: No TEAL'C. Because of you my doubts became certainties. When we
were children you were always the strongest, the bravest. That you would one
day be first prime was never doubted. But you did what no Jaffa before you
had ever done. You challenged the gods themselves and won. (she strokes his
face) Among many on Chulak you are as revered as the gods once were and yet
you walk away.

TEAL'C: My place is here.

SHO'NAC: Is it? Bra’tac cannot be expected to bear the burden alone. It was
you who first began walking this path. Do not abandon those who have
followed you this far!

She turns away from him. He grabs her and spins her around.

TEAL'C (angrily): I have abandoned no one.

He releases her and she walks away again then turns to him.

SHO'NAC: When I die and you are the only one capable of teaching others what
I have learned, what will you do then?

TEAL'C: Do not concern yourself with me.

SHO'NAC: I have all but given my life for a cause that you inspired!

TEAL'C: Tel skak, Kree! (She looks at him shocked) I will advise you when
there is news. (He turns to leave the room. )

SHO'NAC: When you touched the mind of your symbiote. What did it show you?

TEAL'C (Stopping): The murder of my father. It was a most painful death.

SHO'NAC: At the hands of CRONOS?

TEAL'C: Yes.

SHO'NAC: It wanted you to know fear.

TEAL'C: Yes.

SHO'NAC: You are stronger than that. Why does it appear to have succeeded?
(She walks up to him. He is facing away from her. ) My first communion was
the same. It took many days before I tried again. But one day the images it
chose to share with me began to change. They became sorrowful, as though my
Ko-mah were awakening to it's own shape. In time the images became
beautiful, even caring. If that is all.

TEAL'C (turning to face her): There is more. (emotionally) I hate losing you
a second time!

SHO'NAC: No, never more. (They kiss, and make up AQ!-Style!)

TEAL'C is exiting SHO'NAC'S room as DANIEL is walking down the corridor.


TEAL'C (smiling): Kell shah Daniel Jackson! (SOMEBODY got himself a piece of
@$$!!! Temple priestess my eye! )

DANIEL: Morning, how's, err, SHO'NAC?

TEAL'C: The pain of carrying a symbiote past it's time is extreme. SHO'NAC
bears it well.

DANIEL: I can imagine. Listen, I'm just heading off for breakfast.

TEAL'C: I am not.

TEAL'C moves to go in a different direction to DANIEL.

DANIEL: Err, could you stop walking? (TEAL'C stops and turns to face

DANIEL (quietly) Is everything all right?

TEAL'C: Yes. (AQ!'s note: Of course he's alright! He just got a piece of ...
DANIEL: You see, I've just noticed that you've been, you know preoccupied
lately, obviously and err I'm kinda going out on a limb here asking but it's
just that if you want to talk that I was here to talk.

TEAL'C: Daniel Jackson! (HE grabs DANIEL by the shoulder and DANIEL looks at
him surprised. ) If all Jaffa can be taught to commune with their symbiotes
then the days of the Goa'uld are truly numbered!

DANIEL: And SHO'NAC can teach them?

TEAL'C: If SHO'NAC survives I intend to be at her side. If she does not I
will not allow her sacrifice to be in vain!

Before DANIEL can reply CARTER comes running up to them.

CARTER: TEAL'C, we just got word from the Tok'ra. They've accepted SHO'NAC'S

TEAL'C: When may we depart?

CARTER: Now, Colonel O'NEILL'S waiting for us in the gear up room.

They walk away. DANIEL looks worried as he follows.


SG1 and SHO'NAC are met by some Tok'ra representatives.


SG1 and SHO'NAC enter via the ring system. ANISE and two other Tok'ra are

ANISE: (Snake mode) SHO'NAC of the Red Hills, welcome to Vorash.

SHO'NAC: It is a great honor to meet the Tok'ra.

O'NEILL: They're all right if you like the type. (Looks at Anise, and

ANISE: It is an equal pleasure to see you Colonel O'NEILL. (She walks over
to SG1 and shakes SAM'S hand.) Your father asked that I shake your hand and
give Colonel O'NEILL a big kiss from him.

CARTER(After sharing a look with O'NEILL) Err, that might have been the
other way around.

O'NEILL: Maybe, is FREYA in there?

ANISE blinks and the host takes control.

FREYA (Host mode) Of course Colonel.

SHO'NAC: Then it is true; host and symbiote share the body equally.

FREYA: And we are both pleased to tell you good news. As you requested
Teal’c, one of our operatives has retrieved a newly spawned symbiote to
replace that which SHO'NAC offers.

SHO'NAC (to TEAL'C) : You have done this for me?

FREYA: Not only for you. If you truly have turned your symbiote to the
Tok'ra cause then your life is more valuable than any of ours!

SHO'NAC: ( closes her eyes and whispers to her symbiote). Kell-mah, it will
not be long now.

TEAL'C: She has carried her symbiote far past its time.

FREYA: Then come, this way. (Everyone follows her) We were able to find a
host both willing and eager.

O'NEILL (quietly) Eager too huh?

They all enter a chamber where several people are waiting. ANISE indicates
to a man.

ANISE: (Still in snake mode)This is the volunteer host HEBRON of Parabal.

O'NEILL (to HEBRON): JACK O'NEILL, Earth. Err, forgive my bluntness here but
do you have any idea what you are getting into?

ANISE: We have told him everything.

O'NEILL: Yeah, well I've noticed the Tok'ra have a tendency to leave out
minor details along the way sometimes. (To HEBRON) You do know this thing's
going to be in your head right? You only get your body part time?

HEBRON: My own people were enslaved by the Goa'uld a generation ago, I
understand what benefit may come of this.

O'NEILL (unconvinced): All right.

TEAL'C: This is SHO'NAC.

SHO'NAC and HEBRON look at each other.

HEBRON: What can you tell me of the one with whom I will spend the rest of
my days?

SHO'NAC: That he wishes to forswear his birthright and desires to stop the
Goa'uld from causing any more harm.

HEBRON: Then we will have that in common.

SHO'NAC: You will share with him much, much more than I. (She cries out in
pain and collapses to the floor supported by TEAL'C. ) I have waited too

TEAL'C: It must be done now!

ANISE: We are not yet ready for the transference.

SHO'NAC: It can wait no longer! (Sounds of the symbiote emerging are heard.
CARTER, O'NEILL and DANIEL grimace at the sight. ) Teal’c it cannot wait!

HEBRON( tears open his shirt.): I am ready.(he falls to his knees) Take me!

The symbiote emerges and O'NEILL draws his gun. The symbiote lunges for
HEBRON'S neck and enters it. HEBRON grasps at his neck and gasps. He falls
backwards. SHO'NAC passes out as ANISE goes to HEBRON. SG1 stand back with a
look of disgust at the process. HEBRON'S eyes open and glow.

ANISE: Colonel O'NEILL, lower your weapon the transference is complete.

O'NEILL: Transference?!?!?!? THAT'S what you call that!?!?


ANISE helps HEBRON to stand. HE has a wound on his neck where the symbiote

HEBRON: (In Snake mode) There was no more time, SHO'NAC'S life was in grave
danger. I had to act. (to ANISE) Have you a prim'ta ready for implantation?


HEBRON: (Still in snake mode) Do it now, she is near death. (ANISE nods at a
guard who leaves. ) I am TANITH, it is my honor to pledge my allegiance to
the Tok'ra.

TEAL'C looks down at an unconscious SHO'NAC


We see CARTER and O'NEILL sat around a table waiting for news. DANIEL is
stood leaning against CARTER'S chair. Footsteps are heard approaching and
they all look up.

DANIEL: How is she?

ANISE (Snake mode) SHO'NAC is still very weak. The symbiote we were able to
retrieve was quite young.

CARTER: But she's gonna be ok?

ANISE: We believe so.

TANITH enters behind ANISE. O'NEILL eyes him suspiciously.


TANITH (Snake mode) He is here Colonel O'NEILL.

DANIEL: Actually we'd like to hear that from him.

TANITH Of course. (He lowers his head) (Host mode) It is true, it is a
strange feeling but I am very much here.

O'NEILL: How do we know that?

HEBRON: TANITH wants you to know that we will submit to any test you may
wish to perform to assure you that I am speaking freely as host. Rest
assured TANITH is pure of heart. SHO'NAC was indeed a great teacher.

O'NEILL Good, then maybe TANITH wouldn't mind sharing some of that fine
Goa'uld knowledge. (Is that sarcasm I hear in Jack's voice?!) (Hebron
bows his head)

TANITH (smiling): (Snake Mode) Of course.

ANISE: (Snake Mode) When the time is appropriate.

O'NEILL: I think now is appropriate.

ANISE: I disagree.

O'NEILL: Oh, here we go, here we go!

ANISE: TANITH has asked to join the Tok'ra not the SGC.

O'NEILL (angrily) : (Sounding a lot like MacGyver) Are you kidding me!

ANISE: We will gladly share what knowledge we feel is useful to the
furthering of our alliance with Earth.

CARTER: Does my father go along with this?

ANISE: I am sure he will.

O'NEILL: How do I hang up with ANISE and talk to FREYA?


O'NEILL: I *like* FREYA!

ANISE: She and are in complete agreement.

O'NEILL: How do I know that?

ANISE: I have told you.

O'NEILL: And I'm supposed to trust you? You know this whole talking to two
people in one body thing really sucks! (He's genuinely FED UP with the

TEAL'C and SHO'NAC enter the chamber. TANITH looks at SHO'NAC.

TANITH: SHO'NAC! (She looks at him and smiles. )It is good to finally see
the face of she that taught me so much!

SHO'NAC: Oh, to speak with you in words it is something I never dreamed of.
(JACK looks at SAM, shaking his head, and rolling his eyes; she does the
same to DANIEL.

TANITH: There will be time for words. You must stay a while we have so much
to talk about.

SHO'NAC: I know.

TANITH (looks at TEAL'C. ):TEAL’C, I sense that she is still extremely weak.

TEAL'C: Her new symbiote is extremely young for the task of healing her.

TANITH (looks at SG1.) : I hope that your indecision did not put her at more
risk than necessary.

TANITH smiles at SHO'NAC and then leaves the room.

O'NEILL puts his hat on.

O'NEILL (annoyed) I guess we'll just mosey on back to Earth. Tell General
HAMMOND how the Tok'ra boned us again.

He leaves followed by CARTER and DANIEL.

ANISE: Colonel! (She follows after him. As do TEAL'C and SHO'NAC. O'NEILL is
leading SG1 out of the tunnels being followed by ANISE. ) Please take no

O'NEILL: Hey, we're getting used to it.

They reach the transportation rings site. O'NEILL, CARTER and DANIEL stand
ready to be transported.

O'NEILL: TEAL’C, you can come back and visit SHO'NAC after we've debriefed.
(to ANISE sarcastically) That is if it's all right with our good friends and

ANISE: He is welcome of course.

O'NEILL: Swell.(to SG1) let's go.

TEAL'C : (looks at SHO'NAC ) O'NEILL, I would like a moment.

O'NEILL: We'll wait at the gate.

CARTER, DANIEL and O'NEILL leave via the transportation rings.

TEAL'C: I must inform the Tau'ri of my intention to leave their service.

SHO'NAC: I will await your return.

TEAL'C: We will return to Chulak and tell every Jaffa in every village of
your return.

SHO'NAC: Together!

TEAL'C: Kell mate SHO'NAC.

SHO'NAC: Kell mate my love!

TEAL'C leaves via the transportation rings.


We see TANITH looking at himself in a mirror. He turns around as SHO'NAC
enters the room.

SHO'NAC: Have I disturbed you?

TANITH: (EVIL snake mode! MWAHAHAHA!) The hour is late you should be

SHO'NAC: I could not wait to speak with you.

TANITH: Yes. (He walks over to her) We must speak of your audacity.

SHO'NAC( looks puzzled). :I do not understand.

TANITH: How dare a priestess touch the mind of one who would be her god!

SHO'NAC: You despise the Goa'uld!

TANITH (evilly) I am the Goa'uld! (AQ!'s NOTE: I LOVE this guy!!! Can I
change my name from Apophis's Queen to Tanith's Queen?! He's so HOT when
he's being bad!)

SHO'NAC (shocked) But I showed you the.

TANITH : (clamps his hand over her mouth and grabs her. ) You showed me the
means to destroy the Tok'ra. (She struggles in his arms. ) Now accept your
reward. (AQ! Again: He's so sexy, oh, My!)(TANITH'S eyes glow and he


CARTER, DANIEL and HAMMOND are sat round the table. O'NEILL is standing near
to his seat. TEAL'C is standing at the end of the table.

TEAL'C: It is with much sadness that I must take my leave of the SGC.

SG1 and HAMMOND look shocked.

HAMMOND: Are you certain?

O'NEILL: He means leave of absence sir!

TEAL'C: I have said what I mean O'NEILL. I intend to live the remainder of
my life on Chulak.

O'NEILL: What on Earth for?

TEAL'C: Do you not recognize the greatness of SHO'NAC'S achievement?

DANIEL: I think the point is that if the whole idea was to get the secrets
of the Goa'uld into the hands of the Tok'ra.

O'NEILL: And us by the way.

DANIEL: .Then it's done, mission accomplished!

CARTER: Yeah TEAL’C, even if you could train a large enough number of Jaffa
to communicate with their symbiotes the Tok'ra have a hard enough time
finding hosts.

O'NEILL: But the point is you belong here!

TEAL'C: I belong where I am needed most O'NEILL and that is on Chulak at
Sho’nak’s side.

The sounds of the gate activating are heard and sirens sound.

DAVIS: Off world activation! (They all leave the briefing room. We see armed
guards stand ready by the gate. The iris is closed. )(SG1 and HAMMOND enter.
) Incoming traveler sir, it's the Tok'ra.

O'NEILL: Here to share squat with us no doubt.

HAMMOND: Open the iris.

The iris opens and ANISE steps through. She looks at TEAL'C sadly and then
two further Tok'ra step through the gate carrying a stretcher with a body on
it. TEAL'C runs to the gateroom followed by the rest of SG1.

FREYA: (Host mode) TEAL’C it is with great sorrow that I return.

TEAL'C : (looks at the stretcher. ) SHO'NAC!

FREYA: We found the body just outside her chamber. (DANIEL, O'NEILL and
CARTER look shocked. ) The symbiote she carried was also dead. If we had
found a more mature larvae.

TEAL'C: She appeared well!

FREYA: SHO'NAC'S death is simply the unfortunate result of waiting too long.

TEAL'C:( pulls the sheet down from over SHO'NAC'S face). (emotionally)
Sho’nak, tel mah veriunte shree. Tel mah.

DANIEL (translating): Our love does not end in death.

TEAL'C leans and kisses SHO'NAC.

ANISE (to O'NEILL): I wanted Teal’c to have the body for whatever spiritual
ritual he may wish to perform.

TEAL'C looks close to tears.


We see TEAL'C meditating surrounded by lit candles. He sees another vision
from his symbiote of his father's murder by CRONOS. As CRONOS crushes his
fathers symbiote TEAL'C screams in pain. O'NEILL is walking down the
corridor by TEAL'C'S quarters. He hears the scream and rushes to knock on
TEAL'C'S door .

O'NEILL: TEAL’C? (Inside his room TEAL'C suddenly opens his eyes. )
(knocking on the door) Teal’c! (TEAL'C opens his door )What's up?

TEAL'C: SHO'NAC was murdered!


We see O'NEILL and TEAL'C enter accompanied by some Tok'ra guards. ANISE and
two other Tok'ra are sat round the table. They stand.

ANISE (Snake mode): We have not yet obtained information of any value from
Tanith. Your return is premature.

O'NEILL: You folks should invest in some doors.

ANISE: We have no secrets from each other.

O'NEILL: I beg to differ with you!

TEAL'C: I have reason to believe the Goa'uld SHO'NAC carried was not truly
convinced to become a Tok'ra. I believe the Goa'uld used this opportunity to
become a spy among you.

ANISE: What evidence have you for this?

TEAL'C: The murder of SHO'NAC! The system lord CRONOS murdered my father by
crushing his symbiote in such a way it allowed the symbiotes blood to mix
directly with that of my father. The method is slow and immensely painful.

ANISE: How do you know this?

TEAL'C: In communion with my own symbiote. It is a vision my symbiote chose
to share.


TEAL'C: To demonstrate Goa'uld hatred and superiority.

ANISE: Still, if that is your proof.

TEAL'C: We found Goa'uld blood in SHO'NAC'S bloodstream and trace amounts on
her hands. Confirming my vision!

ANISE: And so you have come to extract revenge?

TEAL'C (angrily): I have!

ANISE: I'm sorry, we cannot allow you. (They look at each other. TEAL'C is
furious. Suddenly he lunges at the Tok'ra next to him, knocks hi over and
runs from the room to seek out TANITH. ) Stop him!


We see TEAL'C knocking down Tok'ra guards as he runs down the corridor
frantically. He is finally stopped by five Tok'ra and yells at them in
Goa'uld. O'NEILL runs after him with his gun ready. He kneels down by a
distraught TEAL'C.

O'NEILL: TEAL'C, we'll get the Goa'uld out of the host.

ANISE approaches.

ANISE: No! He will be infinitely more valuable to us if we do not.

TEAL'C and O'NEILL look at her suspiciously.

O'NEILL: You knew!

FREYA (Host mode) We suspected, but only after her death. TEAL'C we truly
had hoped SHO'NAC had succeeded but if we allow TANITH to believe he has
deceived us we will be able to use that against the Goa'uld.

TEAL'C (still being restrained) Disinformation.

FREYA: Yes, if we control what he sees and hears the Goa'uld will never know
our true intentions. We will be able to use that advantage for months. When
Tanith no longer serves a useful purpose we will extract what Goa'uld
secrets we can in other ways.

O'NEILL (walks up to her. ): What about the host?

ANISE: (The trampy, bitchy snake is back!) He knew well the risks. When we
have learned all we can we plan to remove the Goa'uld. We are fighting a war
for our very existence. I make no apologies for the means. (TEAL'C and
O'NEILL stare at her. ) (to Tok'ra guards) Release him.

The guards let TEAL'C go and he stands clearly very angry.


We see TEAL'C enter with O'NEILL and ANISE following. TANITH is in the room.
TEAL'C walks up to him with a grim look on his face. He stares at TANITH.

TANITH (slowly): (Snake mode) Hello Teal'c. You must feel the pain of
Sho’nak’s death as deeply as I do. It is a terrible loss to both of us and
has been difficult. Why have you come to see me?

TEAL'C: To look upon you and know that Sho'nak's ssacrifice will not be in

TANITH: You have my promise. I hope one day we will meet again Teal’c and
together remember she who meant so much to both of us.

TEAL'C: We will meet again. (He bows his head) You have my promise.


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