115 Cor-ai
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Transcribed by AQ
Transcriptions courtesy of SG1 Transcripts

1x16 The Cor-Ai

Wording done by Lene, actions put in by Apophis's Queen.


Richard Dean Anderson as Colonel Jack O'Neill

Michael Shanks as Dr Daniel Jackson

Amanda Tapping as Captain Samantha Carter

Christopher Judge as Teal'c

Don S Davis as General George Hammond


David McNally as Hanno

Peter Williams as Apophis

Pauline Gillis as Byrsa Woman

Christina Jastrzembska as Female Elder

Kirby Marrow as Militia Man

Michasa Armstrong as Shak'l

Devon Finn as Young Hanno

-- Cartago Stargate --

We begin with the open stargate closing to show SG-1, their backs to
us. The walk down the steps looking around at the deserted village.
Birds are heard piping.

CARTER : Looks deserted.

TEAL'C : (Looks around) O'Neill. I have been here before.

JACKSON : (Turns to face Teal'C, suprised) What? You have?

TEAL'C : Yes. This world is called Cartago.

JACKSON : (Walks up to the Jaffa) What can you tell us about it?

TEAL'C : The Goa'uld visit here regularly. It is one of their
favorite places to harvest hosts for Goa'uld absorption.

JACKSON : You know, I wish you wouldn't say "harvest." We're
talking about human beings, not brussel sprouts.

TEAL'C : That is how the Goa'uld perceive it.

JACKSON : So the locals aren't used to friendly visitors.

O'NEILL : Well, that would answer why no welcome mat, I suppose,

CARTER : Colonel, this is weird, I mean all the food here is fresh.
There's even something cooking on that fire. (Points to a fire in a
tent behind her)

JACKSON : But there's no one around.

O'NEILL : Well, keep your heads up.

They begin walking as sheep are heard bleating.

-- Hall --

The halls is elabrately decorated. It appears to be a meeting room
with fires burning all around it for light.

O'NEILL : It hasn't been deserted long.

Men appear with bow and arrow type weapons pointed at the team.

HANNO : Hak-ka!

CARTER : (Looks around, to Jack) Colonel?

O'NEILL : Hold your fire.

JACKSON : They probably think we're Goa'ulds.

O'NEILL : (Speaking while looking at Hanno thru his scope) Daniel?
Think you could find a language that would communicate to these
people that we're human like they are, and that we're friendly?

HANNO : Why should I believe you? That is a weapon. (In reference
to Jack's gun)

O'NEILL : So is that. (In reference to Hanno's bow) Tell you what.
I'll go first. (Slowly lowers his gun)

Hanno does the same, and nods to the other men who also lower their
bows. He looks at Sam, who lowers her gun. He walks around Jack,
eyeing him, then to Sam, also looking at her. Next he walks to
Daniel, eyeing him. He moves over to the fouth member of the team,
Teal'c, who's back is to him. Teal'C slowly turns to face the young

HANNO : Jaffa! (Raises the bow in Teal'C's face)

JACKSON : Hold it! (Jack raises his gun again, all the men
surround Teal'C, their bows pointed at him.)

O'NEILL : Jaffa yes, but he's good guy.

CARTER : You don't know him. He's peaceful. Tell him you're
peaceful, Teal'c.

TEAL'C : It is true.

HANNO : He lies! I know him.

O'NEILL : How?

HANNO : This Jaffa killed my father. (Puts his bow to Teal'C's

-- Opening Credits --

O'NEILL : Teal, you ever seen this kid before?

TEAL'C : I have not.

HANNO : He's a coward. He lies.

MILITIA MAN : Hanno! The mandates.

HANNO : He is not Byrsa. The mandates do not apply.

MILITIA MAN : And what if you are mistaken? I do not recognize this

HANNO : He is the one. He killed my father!

MILITIA MAN : If you are right, he will be put through Cor-ai. But
we do not take revenge like this, or we are no better than the

HANNO : (Lowering his weapon) Cor-ai will sustain my belief.

JACKSON : (To himself) Cor-ai.

HANNO : But first you meet the elders. Come!

O'NEILL : I always wanted to meet the elders.

-- Outside --

People begin coming out of hiding.

JACKSON : That's interesting. I wonder if everyone's coming from
some religious event.

O'NEILL : What does it always have to be a religious thing with you?
Maybe they're coming from a swap meet.

HANNO : When the gods come through the Circ Kakona, we scatter in
many directions to hide from those who would hurt us. They are
overdue to visit us again.

JACKSON :(As Hanno walks over to an older woman) Circ - that's a
Latin derivation. Circova Kakona - that's Greek. That's weird. Two
root languages in one culture.

CARTER : What does it mean?

JACKSON : Circ Kakona - circle of woes. Their name for the

CARTER : I don't like this.

Hanno tells a young boy something, then sends him away.

FEMALE ELDER : You may approach.

Jack points to himself as if to say "Me?" She nods.

FEMALE ELDER : You are the leader, yes?

O'NEILL : Yes.

FEMALE ELDER : You may go.

O'NEILL : Just like that?

JACKSON : Wait - we'd like to say a little while and learn from
you. Possibly you can learn from us, I mean, you seem to need help
avoiding the Goa'ulds.

FEMALE ELDER : (Cuts him off) You may go. (Pointly) Now.

O'NEILL : Daniel? It's important that we respect our elders. Teal'c,
dial it up.


O'NEILL : Excuse me?

HANNO : For him there will be Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : All right, let me bottom line it for you, okay? You can't
have that man.

HANNO : He's not a man. He's Jaffa.

O'NEILL : He's already told you he doesn't know who you are.

HANNO : You say you don't remember me.

TEAL'C : I do not.

HANNO : Then do you remember this.

He holds up a cane.


An older man with one leg holds out his hand. He is using the cane as
a crutch to hold himself up.


YOUNG HANNO : Father! Father! No!

Teal'C shoots the man with his staff weapon. Young Hanno breaks
out of group being held back by Jaffa and runs to his father's body.

YOUNG HANNO : Father. No.

The child looks up at Teal'C with tears in his eyes.

-- Present --

Shot goes to Hanno's eyes.

HANNO : You remember me now, do you not?

O'NEILL : Don't say anything, Teal'c.

TEAL'C : But I must.

O'NEILL : That's an order. Don't say anything.

HANNO : He does not need to say anything. Take him in custody.

O'NEILL : Hold it! (Raises his gun, Sam follow suit)

JACKSON : (Pushing Jack's gun down) Jack, that is not the way to
handle this.

The men disarm the Jaffa, and take off his jacket showing us a great
shot of his arms ... :P

-- Teal'c's Cell --

O'NEILL : I don't suppose we could get him out on bail.

HANNO : He is guilty. He must pay for what he has done.

O'NEILL : And you've already decided this.

HANNO : Yes.

O'NEILL : Hey. At least untie his hands. Come on.

HANNO :(Nods to the men to untie his hands) Tomorrow we will have
the Cor-ai. You are welcome to stay.

He and the men leave.

O'NEILL : Gee thanks.

O'NEILL : All right, when they come back, Daniel, you draw 'em in.
Carter and I will take right and left flanks.

JACKSON : Ooh, wait a minute. Are you talking break out?

O'NEILL : (Sarcastically) Uh, yeah. We're gonna grab Teal'c and head
straight for the Stargate. It'd be nice if we could do it without

TEAL'C : No.

O'NEILL : Excuse me?

TEAL'C : Do not attempt your plan. I will not go.

O'NEILL : You know that's a really odd sound. I thought you just
said you wouldn't go?

TEAL'C : That is correct.

O'NEILL : Why?

TEAL'C : Because to go would disrespect the Byrsa.

O'NEILL : Disrespect?

JACKSON : Teal'c is right. We should show some respect.

O'NEILL : Did anyone else hear that kid say that Teal'c was guilty
already? For all we know, they wanna kill him.

JACKSON : Wait wait wait, who said anything about killing? I mean
all they said was they want to put him through Cor-ai. Now near as I
can figure, that is like a simple trial.

O'NEILL : Now see, it's that near as I can figure part that's got
me a little worried. What if their idea of a simple trial is a simple

TEAL'C : I will not run.


Three woman arrive and kneel down.

O'NEILL : Excuse me, what are you doing?

BYRSA WOMAN: I am the Jaffa's voice for the Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : Well I think his voice is just fine.

JACKSON : I think she means kind of like his defense attorney.

BYRSA WOMAN: I have been chosen. Uh, I must witness his pecca-ve.

CARTER : What's a pecca-ve?

JACKSON : There's a Latin word that's similar. It basically means, I
have sinned.

CARTER : She wants his confession?

O'NEILL : Has it occurred to anyone that he might not be guilty?

BYRSA WOMAN: If he were not guilty, there would be no Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : (Clears his throat, and kneels bfore the kneeling woman)
Innocent until proven guilty. Heard of it?

JACKSON : Actually, throughout history the idea's pretty rare. Most
cultures usually assume things the other way around. (Off Jack's
look) I'm just ... saying.

BYRSA WOMAN: I must hear the Jaffa's pecca-ve.

O'NEILL : Well, you're outta luck, 'cause you're not gonna get him
to pecca-anything.

BYRSA WOMAN: Then who will be his voice?

O'NEILL : That would be me. (Sighs)

CARTER : Uh, you?

BYRSA WOMAN: You will be his voice for the Cor-ai?

O'NEILL : Yep.

BYRSA WOMAN: As you wish. I will tell the elders. (She and the
other 2 women rise, and walk up the stairs. Jack, also rises, and

JACKSON : You sure you're up to this?

O'NEILL : Why? You don't think I am?

JACKSON : Well, it's - it's just that I've never actually heard you
referred to as a diplomat. I think, um, antagonist was the word

O'NEILL : But I'm his commanding officer. It comes with the

CARTER : Wouldn't Daniel be better at it, I mean, being a linguist
and a cultural expert? Sir.

O'NEILL : All right, we'll all do it. How's that?

JACKSON : That's fine.

CARTER : Co, co-counsels. Works for me.

-- Hall --

A bell is tolling as Teal'C is brought into the meeting room. It is
full of people. The elder woman walks up to the podium, holding a
pole that looks like a candleabra. She nods at Hanno, who kneels
before Teal'C.

HANNO : I am sorry.

TEAL'C : *You * are sorry.

HANNO : When I first saw you, I let my anger control me, and I
threatened your life. This is counter to Byrsa mandates, and by doing
it I shamed myself and my whole clan. I ask your forgiveness.

TEAL'C : You have it.

The crowd begins talking quietly while Hanno rises.

O'NEILL : This is startin' off better than I thought it would.

Hanno walks over to the elder woman, who gives him the pole.

HANNO : Jaffa, you killed my father. For this crime the punishment
is death. I will now lead the Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : Objection! (Everyone looks confused) That's something we
say back on earth when...never mind. You can't be the judge; that's
not fair.

HANNO : Judge?

O'NEILL : Yeah, the guy who controls the proceedings, decides what
happens here.

HANNO : Why is it not fair?

O'NEILL : Because you're the son of the victim.

HANNO : Yes.

O'NEILL : Well, the judge has to be impartial.

HANNO : What does that mean? JACKSON : Uh, impartiality would
require someone who hasn't already formed an opinion about Teal'c's
guilt or innocence.

HANNO : How could there be such a person? Anyone who has a mind
has an opinion.

O'NEILL : (To the elders) Your honors, I respectfully request that
someone else be in control of this...what is it?(To Danny)

JACKSON : Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : Cor-ai.

Crowd chatters.

FEMALE ELDER : Only the person who has suffered understands the
pain which has been inflicted. Who else can fairly say what the
punishment must be?

O'NEILL : Well, you could for one.

Crowd gasps.

FEMALE ELDER : Hanno will continue.

O'NEILL : Unbelievable.

JACKSON : It's actually rather Talmudic - only he who is wronged can

O'NEILL : Will you can it?

HANNO : You remember me?

TEAL'C : I do.

HANNO : Then you are the one who killed my father, are you not?

O'NEILL : Don't answer that Teal'c.

TEAL'C : Yes. I am the one who killed your father.

The crowd murmers as Hanno walks away. Carter looks at Jack, who
looks pretty pissed. Teal'C is impassive. Hanno gives the pole back
to the elder as a bell tolls, and SG-1 looks at Teal'C as he sits
down in the chair.

The room is now empty. Teal'C is still sitting in the chair, Jack's
standing by him.

O'NEILL : Teal'c are you trying to commit suicide?

TEAL'C : I do not understand.

O'NEILL : Why didn't you tell me you were guilty. At least before
you told a room full of people that wanna see you dead.

TEAL'C : You already knew, only you did not want to hear it. That
is why you asked me not to speak. (Jack raises his eyebrows, knowing
Teal'C is right)

O'NEILL : What happened?

TEAL'C : Apophis ordered me to kill Hanno's father.

O'NEILL : (To the men standing at the door) Hey, can you guys guard
from outside? We're not goin' anywhere.

O'NEILL : So, you were following orders.

TEAL'C : Hanno's father died by my hand. No one else's. I am
responsible. What I did while serving Apophis, I will not hide from.

O'NEILL : Even if the punishment is death?

TEAL'C : (Pointedly)Then that is what I deserve.

O'NEILL : Teal'c, you sound like you wanna die.

TEAL'C : Colonel O'Neill, have you ever faced the crying eyes of a
child whose father you have just murdered?

O'NEILL : Not exactly. Teal'c, there are a lot things we do that we
wish we could change and we sure as hell can't forget, but the whole
concept of chain of command undermines the idea of free will. So as
soldiers, we have to do some pretty awful stuff. But we're following
orders like we were trained to. It doesn't make it easier; it
certainly doesn't make it right, but it does put some of the
responsibility on the guy giving those orders.

TEAL'C : Then you are saying Apophis is responsible for Hanno's
father's death.

O'NEILL : Yes.

TEAL'C : You are wrong, O'Neill. (On the verge of tears) While in
the service of Apophis I did many things. For these deeds, my victims
deserve retribution.

O'NEILL : Can we focus on this one case only for now please?

TEAL'C : This case represents the many.

O'NEILL : Well it shouldn't! Why? Why are you doin' this?

TEAL'C : When I look into Hanno's eyes, I see the horror on the
faces of many others, as their loved ones prepare for Goa'uld
absorption. Worse yet is the face of the victims whom I selected as
they realize they are about to take their final human breath. Hanno's
father is not the first nor the last of those whose lives I've taken.
And I have done far worse, O'Neill. I cannot give all of their loved
ones retribution, but I can at least give it to this one. I am sorry,
O'Neill. I will not run.

Focus in on his face, he has been crying.

O'NEILL : Well, I'm sorry, Teal'c, but that's unacceptable. I'm
gonna to do what I have to do to keep you alive whether you like it
or not.

Bell tolls as people return to the hall.

O'NEILL : (To Danny) What's the plan of attack?

JACKSON : Well, the way I look at it, Teal'c has already pled
guilty. So to draw a parallel to an American trial, we have to look
at this as sort of like the sentencing phase. We need to prove to
these people that he doesn't deserve to die.

CARTER : How do we do that?

JACKSON : We need to convince them that he's a different man now
than he was then.

O'NEILL : Good luck.

Door closes, and the elder woman walks up to the podium carrying the
stick. Hanno is now holding the stick while Jack is talking to Danny.

O'NEILL : Tell us what happened to your wife.

JACKSON : Her name is Sha'uri. She was captured by Apophis' serpent
guards, and changed.

O'NEILL : She's now a Goa'uld?

JACKSON : Inhabited by one, yes.

Chattering is heard.

O'NEILL : And how did she get to be one of the victims?

JACKSON : The leader of the serpent guards picked her out of a crowd
of other women, at random, really.

O'NEILL : Who was this serpent guard?

JACKSON : Teal'c.

Murmering continues. Teal'C looks around. Daniel continues, louder.

JACKSON : The OLD Teal'c. At that time, he hadn't joined us yet.
He didn't know me or that Sha'uri was my wife.

O'NEILL : But the fact is you now work side by side with the man
responsible for your wife's fate.

Crowd reacts.

JACKSON : It was difficult for me at first, I wanted to hate him.
But now I know that it was a different Teal'c that chose Sha'uri and
I know that if there were any way for him to help me get my wife
back, this Teal'c would do it gladly. Even if it meant giving up his
own life. This Teal'c is my friend.

TEAL'C : There were fifty human captives. All were unarmed.
Apophis ordered me to slaughter them all.

CARTER : But you didn't, did you?

TEAL'C : I did not.

CARTER : What did you do?

TEAL'C : I turned my weapon on my fellow serpent guards.

CARTER : It was a huge risk for you, wasn't it, Teal'c?

TEAL'C : I made a decision.

CARTER : I think you're being a little modest here. You have a
family. Do you think you'll ever see them again?

TEAL'C : It is unlikely.

-- Village --

BYRSA WOMAN: Have you lost your way?

JACKSON : Oh, no, I'm-I'm just looking around, if that's okay.

BYRSA WOMAN: You are welcome to do so.

JACKSON : You have a very lovely existence.

BYRSA WOMAN: Thank you. It would be made lovelier were it not for
the Goa'ulds, and the Jaffa.

JACKSON : The one thing I-I can't seem to figure out is, is, where
you live.

BYRSA WOMAN: We live here.

JACKSON : Oh, no no, where do you, where do you sleep at night?
Where do you take shelter? Where do you sleep?

BYRSA WOMAN: We sleep in the hiding.

JACKSON : The hiding.

BYRSA WOMAN: We have hidden caves and tunnels in all directions.
When the evil ones come in through the Circ-Kakona, we flee in all
directions and we disappear.

JACKSON : So they catch only the slowest among you.

BYRSA WOMAN: Oh, no, we would never leave anyone behind. We all
go, or none of us do.

A lightbulb appears above Danny's head. ;)

-- Teal'c's Cell --

Jackson's running down the steps as he speaks.

JACKSON : I think I might have something that might help us out.
Teal'c, tell us exactly what happened that day.

TEAL'C : Apophis ordered me to kill one of the villagers so the
rest would obey.

JACKSON : Okay, well I think we've all heard the reader's digest
version of the story, but there's more to it, isn't there. Like why
you chose Hanno's father.

TEAL'C : We brought those we had captured back to the hall. Apophis
ordered the selection process to begin.


Loud footsteps are heard. Apophis removes his helmet.

APOPHIS: Teal'c. Kill one of them.

Teal'C hesitates looking around. My lord ... uh ... Apophis grows

APOPHIS: (Pointedly) I said kill one of them. If you hesitate I
will kill them all.

Teal'C lowers his helmet. He sees Hanno's father, his hands out to
the Jaffa, with his one leg.


YOUNG HANNO : Father! No! (Teal'C blinks, looking the cripple in the
eyes, he's hesitating hearing the child shouting to his father)
Father! (The cripple closes his eyes, then looks right at Teal'C
begging him with his eyes. Teal'C shoots the man) No! No! (Crying)
Father! No. (Looks up into Teal'C's eyes, Teal'C face is impassive)

-- Teal'c's Cell --

TEAL'C : Apophis chose seven women, and let the rest go.

JACKSON : The truth is our defense.

CARTER : I think I see where you're going with this, Daniel. This is
good. (To Jack)This could make the difference in the Cor-ai.

O'NEILL : It's a kangaroo court. Nothing's gonna make a difference.
Isn't that painfully obvious to anybody? That kid made up his mind
before we even got here.

JACKSON : So what do you suggest?

O'NEILL : Carter and I are going back to Earth for reinforcements.

JACKSON : What, you're going to shoot his way out?

O'NEILL : No, Daniel. I'm hoping we can bring back enough fire power
so it'll scare 'em into turning Teal'c over. That's how I'd like to
see it go down.

TEAL'C : I have already told you, O'Neill. I will not run.

O'NEILL : Teal'c, you're going back with us if I have to knock you
out and carry you myself. Got it? (He and Sam start running up the
stairs) Buy as much time as you can, Daniel.

-- SGC Gate Room --

Klaxons are blaring. Hammond and an officer meets Sam and Jack at the
bace of the gate.

HAMMOND : Where are Teal'c and Daniel?

O'NEILL : We'll explain, sir. First, I need you to mobilize a
combat unit ready to go back to that planet ASAP.

HAMMOND : (to officer) Do it. (Officer leaves, to Jack) Now how
about filling me in? (They file out of the gateroom)

-- Cor'Ai --

JACKSON : So, by killing that man, you actually saved the lives of
the rest of the villagers. You even saved Hanno's life.

TEAL'C : It is true.

JACKSON : But can you really be sure Apophis would have really
killed the rest of the villagers?

TEAL'C : I have seen him do it many times.

JACKSON : So although you were faced with a terrible decision, you
chose the lesser of two evils.

HANNO : He chose to kill a crippled man. The man least able to run
away, the most helpless of us all. His choice was not moral. It was
cowardly and evil.

JACKSON : Hanno, I'm told the Byrsa's only defense against the
Goa'ulds is their ability to run and hide. Is that right?

HANNO : We have escape tunnels and caves. When the lights on the
Circ-Kakona appear, we can disappear before the Goa'uld arrive.

JACKSON : But, you have to move fast, right?

HANNO : Of course.

JACKSON : Teal'c, did you know that back then.

TEAL'C : I did. It was often very difficult to locate the
villagers. They seemed to be able to vanish into the forest, as
quickly as a flock of birds.

JACKSON :(to Hanno) How fast could your father move, with only one

HANNO : It was not important. As a member of the clan, he would
never be left behind.

JACKSON : So in other words, your group can only move as fast as
its slowest member? Right? Teal'c, why did you choose Hanno's

TEAL'C : I saw his injury. I knew that without him the group could
move more quickly. Perhaps even evade us the next time we came.

HANNO : No, I will not hear this.

JACKSON : So you made a decision. You chose to kill one that day
to save many later. Is that right?

TEAL'C : It is correct.

Crowd reacts.

JACKSON : So if Teal'c hadn't made that decision, many of you might
not be alive today to want him dead.

HANNO : I do not understand the relevance of any of this.

JACKSON : I am trying to prove to you that Teal'c is a good man. He
is very important to all of us in fighting the Goa'ulds and the
Jaffa. Therefore I ask that you spare his life.

HANNO : You have defended this Jaffa repeatedly by saying he is a
changed man. And for proof you have given many examples of his firing
upon his former comrades.


HANNO : Than why did he not fire upon them here instead of killing
my father.

JACKSON : Because it wouldn't have done any good.

HANNO : My father might be alive today.

JACKSON : No, not necessarily. Even if Teal'c had succeeded that
day, the Goa'uld would have sent more Jaffa to exterminate everyone -
your entire population.

HANNO : How do you know that? They did not do that to your

JACKSON : They tried. We have defenses that you don't. Teal'c may
have killed Hanno's father, but in doing so he saved you, and you,
and - and all of you. Teal'c's death will not change the past, but
his continued life can help all of our future. Can you really justify
killing him now?

FEMALE ELDER : His fate is not to be decided by us. Cor-ai mandates
that only Hanno can make that decision. (Daniel closes his eyes and
removes his glasses)

HANNO : Your argument is wise, and moving. I commend you.

JACKSON : Thank you.

HANNO : You have made a compelling argument that this Jaffa's more
recent and continuing good should somehow negate his past evil. I
have but one final question. Can his recent actions, or any future
actions, return my father from the dead? (Teal'c looks up)

JACKSON : No, no, of course not.

HANNO : Then clearly no amount of good in the present can erase
what he has done in the past. Jaffa, you are guilty of killing my
father. Tomorrow, at mid-day, you will die by your own weapon. As my
father did.

Danny closes his eyes in defeat. Hanno leaves as bells begin tolling.

-- SGC Conference Room --

Hammond is at the window as Sam and Jack run up the stairs to meet

HAMMOND : I'm confused, Captain. Are these people hostiles?

CARTER : Well sir, that would depend on your definition of hostiles.

O'NEILL : They have Teal'c prisoner. They plan to execute him. I'd
call that hostile.

HAMMOND : But it sounds to me as if they've treated the rest of
you with the utmost respect. Now you want to launch an assault on

O'NEILL : No, sir. I'm hoping once they see our superior numbers and
firepower, they'll release him without incident.

HAMMOND : Colonel, the United States is not in the business of
interfering in other people's affairs.

Sam and Jack share a look.

O'NEILL : Since when, sir?

HAMMOND : Since this administration was elected.

O'NEILL : Well, I don't think the president would have a problem
with us going in and trying to rescue one of our own.

HAMMOND : Teal'c is not one of our own.

CARTER : He's not?

HAMMOND : I mean in the eyes of the government. He's not an
American citizen. Hell, he's not even an Earth citizen.

O'NEILL : I don't believe I'm hearing this from you, sir.

Hammond appears to be "biting his tongue".

CARTER : General Hammond, sir, if I may. Even setting aside that
Teal'c is our friend, how can you let such a valuable information
resource be taken away?

HAMMOND : These people's laws in this regard are no different from
our own. We don't stop pursuing war criminals because they have a
change of heart.

O'NEILL : War criminals.

HAMMOND : Yes, Colonel, he is. Like it or not, what the Jaffa have
done to these people and thousands of other people is a crime. Now
Teal'c spent many years serving the Goa'uld doing some damned
distasteful things. Surely both of you must realize that this was
bound to happen sooner or later.

O'NEILL : General Hammond, I have spent a lot of years in the
service of my country, and I have been ordered to do some damned
distasteful things. I will not allow them to execute my friend.

CARTER : Sir, Teal'c has proven his loyalty to us countless times.
Don't you think we should do the same?

HAMMOND : My own personal opinion says yes. But the government
policies under which I must weigh my decisions, say no.

O'NEILL : Well fine, let's call the president!

HAMMOND : That's enough, Colonel!

CARTER : General, sir, we don't have a lot of time here.

HAMMOND : Right.

Shot goes to a team at the base of the gate.

-- Teal'c's Cell --

Yummy shirtless Teal'C shot is shown as women paint war paint on
Teal'C's body. :P The women look sad, Teal'C has his eyes closed.
Danny is shown walking up behind them.

JACKSON : What are they doing?

TEAL'C : Preparing me for my death.


A better shot of Teal'C's nice body (He gets the Queen's approval ;))
is shown as the camera follows Danny who steps infront of the Jaffa.

TEAL'C : I would like to ask one final favor.

JACKSON : What is it?

TEAL'C : I would like to volunteer my lifeless body, and that of my
symbiote, for your scientists to study. (Danny looks sad) Perhaps you
can better learn ways to battle the Goa'uld and the Jaffa.

JACKSON : Well, don't worry, Teal'c, there's not going to be any
body to donate. Jack and Carter should be back any minute with the

TEAL'C : (Close up of his face it appears he's been crying again)
Daniel Jackson. You must not allow Colonel O'Neill to deny the
retribution the Byrsa deserve.

JACKSON : You know I have to admit, Teal'c, for once I agree with
Jack. I mean, I respect your wishes, but I don't believe that you
deserve to die.

-- SGC Conference Room --

Sam and Jack are pacing, and face him as he enters.

HAMMOND : I'm sorry, Colonel, the president won't authorize a

O'NEILL : I don't believe it.

CARTER : What?

HAMMOND : I agree with the president's decision. We can't commit
troops to risk their lives in an action that I believe is morally

O'NEILL : That's where I respectfully disagree, sir.

HAMMOND : You have the right to disagree, Colonel, but you do not
have the right to take actions against orders, is that understood?

-- Planet Stargate --

Sam and Jack arrive. The planet looks pretty messed up with fires
burning, and carts overturned.

O'NEILL : Things look a little different to you?

Talking is heard, and Sam and Jack run to hide. In the background,
people are seen being led by serpant guards. Sam peeks around a wall.

PERSON: They burned our village!

Jack motions for Sam to move. She nods and runs in the hall followed
by Jack.

-- Teal'c's Cell --

The cells door is open, the cells is empty.

CARTER : Byrsa must have taken him with them.

O'NEILL : Let's hope it was the Byrsa.

CARTER : Maybe Daniel broke him out.

O'NEILL : Keep those positive thoughts comin', Captain. Let's go.

They run up the stairs, and to the door.

Talking is heard.

MAN: Let's Go!

Serpant guards are shown lining up villigers. Sam and Jack move to
behing the columns. A serpant guard hears them, and turns toward
them. A close up of the red eye of his helmet is shown. He sees her
gun holding shadow on a wall, and shoots at the column that Sam was
hiding behind, making her run past Jack. The Jaffa sees this and
persues her, not realizing the Jack is hiding behind the column. Jack
trips the Jaffa. He gets over the jaffa, and the sound of a knife
being drawn, and the jaffa grunting is heard while Jack is being
shown. Sam runs up to them, and hands Jack the jaffa's staff weapon.

-- Hiding Place --

HANNO : Now O'Neill has proved to me not only where his loyalties
lie but yours as well.

TEAL'C : If you believe that it was O'Neill that informed the
Goa'uld, you are mistaken.

HANNO : Then how is it that they know our escape routes?


HANNO : We are trapped. Cut off from the hidings.

JACKSON : But Jack went back to Earth. The Goa'uld are not stupid.
They probably figured it out on their own.

HANNO : The children and the slowest will hide here. The rest of us
will try to draw them away into the forest.

JACKSON : Wait. Now let Teal'c go. We can help you but he is no good
to you like this. Now I give you my word he will not try to run

HANNO : No he will not. You will stay here. (To a small child) If I
do not survive, I entrust you to tell whoever does that I still wish
my sentence to be carried out. (the child nods)

Jack and Sam are seen hiding watching the serpant guard hold the
women and some men at the DHD. The men run out shouting. The jaffa
turn, and start shooting at the men. Their captives flee. Jack shoots
the jaffa with the staff weapon. Hanno looks at Jack, suprised. An
explosion is heard.

Jaffa start walking into the meeting hall.

JACKSON : Try not the let them see your face in case -

The Jaffa from the Nox lowers his helmet.

SHAK'L : Teal'c.

JACKSON : Shak'l.

The child that Hanno was talking to gives Teal'C a large knife,
looking around innocently.

TEAL'C : (Begins to cut the rope off his hand.) Go. [to Daniel]

SHAK'L : Your death (Teal'C has freed his hands) will assure my
place as first prime.

TEAL'C : (Teal'C stands, and stabs Shak'L) I am sorry.

Teal'C grabs his staff, and shoots a jaffa in the back. People begin

MAN: Over here!

Teal'C access the situation. He sees one jaffa holding a woman in a
death lock. Another jaffa holds another woman in a death lock while
his staff is pointed at a group of people crouched over. Teal'C jumps
on the jaffa that has his weapon on the group of people, making him
shoot his staff at Teal'C. The other Jaffa releases the other woman,
and aims at a fallen Teal'C. (It appears the staff hit Teal'C in the

O'NEILL : Hey! (Shoots the jaffa aiming at Teal'C.)

The villigers hug each other.

JACKSON : (Looks at Teal'C's smoking leg) Oh, looks bad. Let's get
him home.

TEAL'C : No.

Gets up and walks to Hanno, handing him a staff.

TEAL'C : It is mid-day. I am prepared to accept my punishment.

O'NEILL : Teal'c.

Hanno takes the weapon, and looks at it. Teal'C steps on the podium,
holding out his hands, prepared to die.

HANNO : You would save those who wish to kill you?

TEAL'C : I would save those who deserve to live.

HANNO : I have made a mistake. (Sam and Danny look suprised) My
memory was faulty. You are not the same man as he who murdered my

TEAL'C : I am the one.

HANNO : No. That Jaffa is dead. You have killed him. (To Jack) We
have our own wounded to care for. I suggest you take your friend

Teal'C appears to have tears in his eyes again.

O'NEILL : We can help you defend yourselves.

HANNO : We would appreciate that.

The villagers leave, and Jack puts his hand on Teal'C's shoulder. The
team gathers around Teal'C as he cocks his head.

Closing credits.

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